Please Read:

, congratulations this appears to be your
FIRST Character for this RPG.
Please note, by creating a Character you
AGREE to abide by our
RPG Etiquette which basically states that your input into the game must ONLY be about the game and not your personal issues, off topic messages, your schedule, your Birthday, etc. Role-playing game Threads are ONLY for Role-playing. If for some reason you need to tell the Dungeon Master or Game Master that you will be away for awhile then you MUST use your Introduction for that. Your Introduction Thread is the first Post you made when you joined.
Will you like to create a role-playing character now?
15FP is all that is needed and you have
0FP ?.
Still Need Help?
First, please utilize your Intro Thread (the first Message you made when you first joined) it will be in the
Introductions & Member Sharing Board, the Support Thread of the Board you are using or as a last resort:
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