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PBP Character Created:
17th Nov, 2016 - 6:12am

Last Updated:
29th May, 2017 - 5:26pm

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Character ID: 268

Character's Game Master:
ICon using the Pathfinder system

ICon Pathfinder Kingmaker Stolen Land

Character Avatar

Familiar / SideKick
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Character Name:

Character Title:
The Huntress

Character Class:
6 Barbarian Moon Cursed

Character Status:


Character Alignment:
Chaotic Neutral

Marching Position:

Rival: ?

The Foe of Jesla
Guardian: ?

The Vulnerable Keeps

Character Body
Base Theme / Style
Character Combat Info
HP: 65
AC: 14 in tiger form
( base 10+ 1 Dex bonus+1 ring of protection +2 AC bonus due to tiger form)
AC: 16 in human form
( 10 base + 1 Dex+ 4 chain shirt+1 amulet of protection)
Character Description
Jesla stands 5 ft 10 inches tall. She weighs 150 lbs and is wiry built. She has long black hair that hangs down her back that is braided. Her green eyes glimmer and there is a scar that runs along her tanned jawline on the right side of her face. She wears a chain shirt that is hidden under furs. Her arms are bare and reveal several scars. She wears a belted hide skirt that is slit to allow freedom of movement. Most of her legs are exposed and more scars are visible.
Character History
Jesla was born into a large family in Numeria. She comes from a line of lycanthropes. Her grandmother was a lycanthrope and it was passed down to her. The condition has weakened by her generation. She is limited as to how long she can assume tiger form. She has been taught the art of battle and survival from an early age. From a young age she was taught distrust of the Technic League by her parents. As a member of the Ghost Wolves tribe she has fought back against the alien technology of the Techni League. She despises the technology and feels that it shouldn't exist. Jesla despised the Technic League and didn't understand how the mighty Kellid would let them rule.

At the age of 16 her and her two best friends who had similar feelings decided to leave Numeria. They journeyed to the River Lands to seek battle. The friends planned on acquiring wealth and power to help in overcoming the Technic League. They explored the area for months and had encounters with bandits and orcs. In one desperate battle versus a group of bandits both of her friends were slain. Upon seeing them fall Jesla was truly overcome by rage. While advancing towards the remnants of the bandits thoughts of her beast totem raced through her mind. Suddenly she was changing. She roared in anger and heard the roar of a tiger. She launched herself at the shocked group who tried to run. Without mercy she slaughtered them and ripped their bodies asunder. Crying upon the loss of her friends Jesla vowed to carry on what they had been working on. She headed to Brevoy where she hoped to find some mercenary work. She vowed to continue the work they had started until the Technic League was no more.
Character Magick / Spells / Powers
Amulet of mighty fists. +1 to natural attack bonus and damage
Ring of protection +1 to ac
Character Notes*
21743 XP

* The content here is exposed unless you get a Guardian to protect it.
Deity / Allegiance / Cult
She is a follower of Gorum. Jesla is a member of the Ghost Wolves tribe.
Familiar / Side Kick / Craft
Character Equipment
Light horse ( trained )
Bit and bridle
Great sword 8 lbs
Lance ( stays on horse)
Composite short bow with 20 arrows ( 5 lbs total)
1 dagger 1 lbs
Chain shirt 25 lbs
Backpack 2 lbs
Bedroll. 5 lbs
Flint and steel
Hooded lantern 2lbs
2 oil flasks 2 lbs
Trail rations 5 days 5 lbs
100 feet silk rope 10 lbs
Water skin 4 lbs
Winter outfit
Character Storage
1616 gold remaining
Game Master Notes*
The team of cavalry archers have fallen into a routine of hunting local wildlife down for food or scaring away anything threatening. Elk, boars, wolves, bears and smaller game are the most common, but reports come in of mythical creatures such as owlbears, werewolves, boggards, tatzlwyrms, trolls and worgs. Your defences have many gaps, but as a mounted team you are able to respond quickly during the day.

At night, depending on the shift, you either rest or take up a policing role in the fledgling settlement. About two weeks since you were posted at this remote ruined fort, you finally catch someone in middle of committing a crime. In the small smithy, attracted to the conspiratorial whispers and the glow of the furnace Jesla watches from the shadows. Two men are placing a few gold coins into a crucible and waiting a while, before dipping copper coins into it and pulling them out with a gold coating.

Whether you believe it was illegal or immoral you decided to bring them in. Sneaking up to them, you struck one in the head, knocking him out and the other gave up on the spot.

You knew who to take them to - you were informally introduced to Archival, and his team of Mykael and Theaton. As you walked between the tents up to the fort, you realised that there was no one person in charge of maintaining order on the streets and it was often left to mob justice to deal with small crimes. Perhaps this was an opportunity?

Last nag (warning): 26th Nov, 2016 - 5:39am

* The Game Master's notes to you are exposed, get a Guardian to protect it.
Character Item Location
Available Gems ?

Second Gem Activated. Add +2 to one of your lowest core attributes (Strength, Dexterity, etc). You earnestly decide to make the best of your weakness so that you may become better all around.

First Gem Activated. Add +1 to one of your lowest core attributes (Strength, Dexterity, etc). During the course of a journey you learned from others who had a higher attribute than you.
Personal Rival: ?
At some point in this Character's life a foe became known - the history behind this rival can be written here.
Character Stats
Str. 18 +4
Dex 12 +1
Con 16 +3
Wis 9 -1
Int 10 -
Cha 10 -

Movement 40 feet/turn

Rage: 23 rounds/day

Skills Ranks bonus total
Acrobatics 1 +4= 5
Handle animal 3 + 3= 6
Knowledge nature 3 +3= 6
Intimidate 5 +3+1 -1+1= 9
Perception 6 +3= 9
Ride 3 +3+1= 7
Stealth non class 3 +1= 4
Survival 6 +3= 9

Armor check penalty: -2

Traits: Bloody minded
Tiger's claw ( +1 damage when charging)

Favored class : Barbarian ( extra hp taken each level)

Feats: power attack
Iron will
Improved initiative
Extra rage

Languages: Hallit and Common

Rage powers: Superstition:
The barbarian gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws made to resist spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has attained. While raging, the barbarian cannot be a willing target of any spell and must make saving throws to resist all spells, even those cast by allies. ( Favored class bonus is another +2 to this. Jesla currently has a +5 bonus to resist spells on top of her normal saves.

Greater animal fury ( bite damage as if next size larger creature. )
Animal fury

Initiative +6

Fort save +8
Reflex save +3
Will save +4

Bab: +6 /+1

Great sword +10 Dam 2d6 +6 crit 19-20 x2

Dagger +10 dam d4 + 4 crit 19-20 x2

Lance +10 dam d8+4 crit x3
( 2x if charging )

Composite short bow +7 dam d6 crit x3

Tiger form: bite +12. Dam 2d6 + 6
Claw +12 Dam 1d6 +6
Claw. +12 Dam 1d6 +6

+1 damage when charging
Low light vision and scent

CMB: 10
CMD: 22

Encumbrance 71 pounds



The PvP Elitist











Art of War


Lover or Fighter?

The ROK II Player to Player interface allows your Character to make secret meetings with other Characters to create alliances or establish secret relationships. The option to reward each other in certain areas is offered: Devious, Sensual, Romantic, Friendship, Chivalry and the Art of War.


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