Thargum Zolanea


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PBP Character Created:
7th Nov, 2018 - 9:53am

Last Updated:
12th Nov, 2018 - 11:25am

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Character ID: 372

Character's Game Master:
Daishain using the Pathfinder system

Daishain's Pathfinder: Way Of The Wicked Rules And Chargen

Character Avatar

Familiar / SideKick
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Character Name:
Thargum Zolanea

Character Title:
The Outlaw

Character Class:
Gunslinger 2nd Level

Character Status:


Character Alignment:
Chaotic Evil

Marching Position:

Rival: ?

The Foe of Thargum Zolanea
Guardian: ?

The Shaman Keeps

Character Body
Base Theme / Style
Character Combat Info
AC: 13 (+5 dex)
Longsword Hit 1D20 +2
longs dam1D6 (s) 1D8 (m)
Pistol dragoon hit 1D20 +3
bullet 1D6 (s) 1D8 (m) range 30 ft max,misfire 1 for every 5 feet.
Hit points 16/
Crit points 4/
Perception mod +8
Character Description
Thargum Zolanea, is tall and slender, with dark shoulder length hair. He appears as an attractive, athletic looking male Elf. However, his true identity is a rare male Changeling, being a by product of both a female Hag, and male Elf. He lacks the natural armor, and claws, but aquires two traits from his mother. (1) Hag magic (2) +2 racial bonus to bluff.
Character History
Thagum's parents were Nundru and Lenvir Seh, however, Nundru was a Hag, or Witch. Nundru, had seduced Lenvir, she had taken on the appearance of an attractive female Elf. She slept with him, and after Thagum, was born but he wasn't a normal Elf, but a rare male Changeling.

While, Nundru the Hag had become more reclusive, the Elven society treated her with suspicion. Accused of bewitching Lenvir, and secretive magic rituals. Nundru, waited until Thagum, had reached sexual maturity. Lenvir, was a Blacksmith, and trained Thagum at a young age, the skills of a Smithy.

His mother had Lenvir secretly killed, then escaped taking Thagum with her. The Hag then gave him to a tribe of Goblinoids to look after. He left his mother when a tribe of humans came and killed, her and some Goblonoids. A traveling Fool, named Stripy who performed as a Clown befriended him. Introduced a weapon, called a dragoon pistol. However, he teaches him the art of thievery, and the art of gunsmithy.
Thargum kills Stripy,the Clown, in an accident and quickly becomes an oulaw, stealing, robbing to earn a living.
Character Magick / Spells / Powers
Languages: Elven, Goblin Move 30 feet/turn. Natural armor: +1
Darkvision: 60 feet.
Changeling racial magic
Prepared spell 1 x 1st level.
Burning hands:Cone of fire issues from hands, range 15 feet, damage: 2D4 Reflex save for half damage. Save on a DC check of 13.
Character Notes*
Shaman Guardian Shields: The inner thougts of Thargum Zolanea are protected.

* Protected by Guardian
Deity / Allegiance / Cult
Familiar / Side Kick / Craft
Character Equipment
Armor studded leather. -1 armor check +5 dex bonus.
Character Storage
Was never one for keeping much that couldn't fit on person.
Game Master Notes*
Shaman Guardian Protects: The secrets dispensed by Daishain are protected from prying eyes.

Last nag (warning): --

* Protected by Guardian
Character Item Location
Available Gems ?

No Gem Activated. This means your Character does not have the possible 'edge' over other Characters. Activate a Gem to get the advantage.
Personal Rival: ?
At some point in this Character's life a foe became known - the history behind this rival can be written here.
Character Stats
STR:10 (0) DEX:13 (1) CON:11(0) INT:12 (1) WIS:18 (4) CHA:17 (3)
Grit points: 4/
Changeling racial trait: Hag magic. Either one prepared level 0, Witch spell, or 1st level spell per day.
If it is a level 0, can be used up to three times a day, if 1st level only once. Spells must be prepared, need 1 hour.
Hagsight: He has an innate insight when he is being watched. Can cast detect scrying, once per day at level 2.
Because his father was an Elf, Thagum has perception bonus: +2, also adds +1 to the increment range of a firearm.
Gunslinger abilities: Gunsmith Knows how to use a dragoon pistol (single barrel) firearm. Capacity 3 bullets, misfire 1 for every 5 feet. Single shot Range 30 feet max.
Bonus feat Gunsmithy Create and restore firearms. Rank +2, 1 day of work plus 300 gp of firearm price. Takes 1 hour to repair a firearm.Grit feat: At start of day he gets 4 grit points. A critical hit will give him back instantly one grit point. If he reduces the target to 0 hit points, he regains a grit point.Deeds feat Dead eye feat He can resolve an attack against touch AC, as if there was no armor. It costs one grit point to use.
Gunslinger dodge feat He can move 5 feet as an immediate action, and +2 bonus to his AC against a triggering attack.



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