Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 29th Oct, 2006 - 3:54am

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Mike Tyson Mike Tyson, a well known boxer who made his name fighting in the ring in a brutal manner. Do you think Mike Tyson was the best there ever was in boxing? Will Mike Tyson go down in history as a sore loser, a criminal or a star? Share your views about Mike Tyson here.
Post Date: 25th Aug, 2004 - 3:53am / Post ID: #

Mike Tyson
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Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson is just not the same fighter he used to be.
Do you think he's finished or do you think he can make a comeback?

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25th Aug, 2004 - 2:30pm / Post ID: #

Tyson Mike

He is definitely finished in my opinion. He's attempted at least 2 comebacks that I can remember and was destroyed each time. I think he just needs to hang up the gloves and be satisfied that in his prime he was a great fighter. Unfortunately, he is so strapped for money that he may keep trying to fight, just to make some money from the publicity.

6th Jan, 2005 - 9:29am / Post ID: #

Mike Tyson Sports & Fashion Music Movies

With Lennox Lewis hanging the gloves up, there is a window of opportunity. It is not to say that he has the skills he had when he was younger, but he is not a total idiot in the ring. Mike is entertainment (good or bad) where ever he goes. People will continue to pay for it (at least a few more matches). Larry Holmes hung on for a LONG time because of weak competition. With Lennox out, the heavyweight class is definitely weak. If he can keep his head on straight for a little while (BIG IF), I dont see why he couldnt contend for a title.

Just a thought,


6th Aug, 2005 - 11:30pm / Post ID: #

Tyson Mike

After seing his last fight - he's really finished. He admitted it himself. I saw some of his earlier fights and if someone says he just used to get close to his opponent and hit him hard, well that person would be wrong. In my opinion, he was one of the greatest heavy weight champs ever. (I'm not talking about his character outside of the ring)

5th Sep, 2006 - 11:44pm / Post ID: #

Tyson Mike

Mike Tyson, the youngest World Boxing Champion making $300,000,000 at one time is now sparring for cash at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas. The money went to his head, he spent it all and now he has been reduced to "live each day as it comes" (as he said it). I hope it can be a lesson for other would be sportsmen who think that you get it all when you have fame and money.

23rd Oct, 2006 - 2:06am / Post ID: #

Mike Tyson

As if, Tyson by himself is not enough of a "freak-show". It seems that he might soon spar with women in attempts to generate some cash. It truly is sad how he has conducted his life...


Now that's entertainment?

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28th Oct, 2006 - 8:51pm / Post ID: #

Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson is the perfect example of what happens when you have lots of money but NO class!

29th Oct, 2006 - 3:54am / Post ID: #

Mike Tyson Movies Music Fashion & Sports

Speaking of "NO Class". How about we read a few quotes from the incomperable and incomprehensible, Mike Tyson:


He really is in need of some serious mental help!

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