KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 123 of 250

"They probably have prisoners here unless - Page 123 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 3rd Dec, 2015 - 4:04am

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30th Nov, 2015 - 6:58pm / Post ID: #
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 123

The Swift Sword says...

While Durgan does this he ask the Lady to see to her as she probably will not want to see any men. Zork searches the room thoroughly.

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Post Date: 30th Nov, 2015 - 9:41pm / Post ID: #

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG
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RPG Dragons and Dungeons Advance KNtoran

The Lady Mithalindre will help with releasing the lady from her straps and then see if she can stand up. Once she is on her feet Mithalindre will tell you that this lady needs cared for and she will escort her out to the girls and make sure she is cared for and protected. She will meet you back by the entry in a hour.

You search the room and find nothing but 15 empty cells. Some have seen recent use.

30th Nov, 2015 - 10:35pm / Post ID: #
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG Archive Pathfinder / D&D

The Swift Sword says...

Zork deliberates with Durgan if the place serves any purpose and maybe it should be burnt down so other bandits do not replicate the crimes. Then he says,

"Alternatively, it might be a good place to redeem and have as our own fort but we are two few." He chuckles and then says, "Where to next?"

1st Dec, 2015 - 12:30pm / Post ID: #
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Page 123 RPG Dragons and Dungeons Advance KNtoran

The Chainbreaker says...

"Perhaps the town guard would use it as a forward base," Durgan replies. "I'll leave it up to them. Definitely mention it when we meet the captain."

Durgan follows the left wall, leading to room 8 and then 9. Both are thoroughly searched.

Post Date: 2nd Dec, 2015 - 3:43am / Post ID: #

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG
A Friend

RPG Dragons and Dungeons Advance KNtoran

The lady leaves taking the woman to the area where the girls are holed up. The two of you head on down the corridors to check out the next rooms. You make it to the rooms and find just make shift places to sleep scattered on the floors. You find nothing of value in the rooms. You then head to the room you skipped. As you get close to it you catch a whiff of spoiled meat. Do you still continue to the door?

2nd Dec, 2015 - 1:16pm / Post ID: #
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG

The Chainbreaker says...

"This seens familiar to me," Durgan says. "Prepare for the worst."

Durgan contimues to the door.

Out of Character: Is this room 3 or 4? I believe we skipped both.

Durgan Results:
  • D20 on D20 (+0): 6 (1 roll)

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Post Date: 3rd Dec, 2015 - 2:02am / Post ID: #

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 123

This will be room three I forgot about room four.

You are familiar with the smell as you recall the temple but not as bad as it was there.

3rd Dec, 2015 - 4:04am / Post ID: #
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 123

The Swift Sword says...

"They probably have prisoners here unless its dogs, either way it needs to be explored." Zork kicks in the door with weapon drawn and a cloth over his face for the smell.

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