The Best Diet

The Diet - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 7th Jan, 2005 - 9:10pm

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Which one is truly the best?
Post Date: 28th Dec, 2004 - 6:37pm / Post ID: #

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The Best Diet


A review of 10 of the nation's most popular weight-loss programs found there was not enough evidence to support the claims many of them make about helping people shed pounds and keep them off.

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28th Dec, 2004 - 8:07pm / Post ID: #

Diet The

This is very interesting, especially with the emergence of the Atkins and South Beach diets; two of the most popular fads in dieting. I still stick to the premise that exercise is still a crucial factor when attempting to lose weight, and I cringe when I hear ads for diet pills and programs that say you don't have to move a muscle to lose weight. Of course healthy eating is also a key, but I guess the question is "What is healthy eating?" when all the diet programs claim that theirs is the definition of healthy eating.

28th Dec, 2004 - 11:35pm / Post ID: #

The Best Diet Health & Special Psychology

No matter what diet you follow there is only one way to lose weight. You must eat fewer calories. The atkins diet or south beach diet all cause this to happen. It is simply a matter of selecting a diet that will allow you, personally, to lower your caloric intake in a mannter that works best for you. Studies have shown that the Atkins and South Beach diets help people lose weight faster, but they do not help at all in maintaining the weight loss.

Post Date: 6th Jan, 2005 - 3:53pm / Post ID: #

The Best Diet
A Friend

Diet The


I have done the atkins diet and so has my husband. I lost 26 lbs and kept it off. Also learned to keep off the refined carbs or them rarely. My cholesterol went down 60 points. My husband also lost weight, however he did not stick to it a few months later. His cholesterol had decreased 100 points in 3 weeks!
What the atkins diet does very well is cut the cravings so you eat less. And you don't eat pasta, breads, rice etc...everyday.

6th Jan, 2005 - 11:51pm / Post ID: #

Diet The

I think the only diet which doesn't cause you to gain most if not all if not more the weight you have lost is weight watchers. I'm not on a diet, but my parents and sister are on that diet, so I know a lot about it. In weight watchers, you are allowed basically everything, carbs and all. Unless you were used to eating Mcdonalds or Pizza every day, you do not feel deprived, but when you watch of what you eat, by a special point system, it really works better. The diet is considerably slow, but once you lost the weight (generally) you will not gain it back.

Post Date: 7th Jan, 2005 - 12:35am / Post ID: #

The Best Diet
A Friend

The Best Diet

I have been on many diets. The Weight watchers is not a bad diet, but I was always hungry. Their pizza, for example, did not fill me up at all. In fact, I think I was hungrier afterwards. I agree with what Ceciliaeured has to say. The Atkins Diet has been the most effective for me. The protein is a natural appetite suppressant and I was never hungry. I didn't miss the carbs that much. I lost about 40 pounds about 5 years ago and kept it off for 2 years. I have heard so many people say that this diet is not good for you. Well, neither is being overweight and if this is what I have to do to lose weight, then so be it. :)

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7th Jan, 2005 - 11:49am / Post ID: #

The Diet

I lost about 40 pounds about 5 years ago and kept it off for 2 years.

See, this is the problem. It was 5 years ago and you only kept it off for 2 years. (Please don't take this statement personally. I, too, have lost weight and gained it back several times.) This means it wasn't really successful. You will lose weight on any diet, really. Its measure of success is determined by what percentage of people manage to make the weight loss permanent.

The study showed Weight Watchers was the only one that could truly be measured as successful. I think the reason Weight Watchers is successful is because it is simply a calorie counting diet. It is true the members count points, but in reality, those points equate to calories. They try to encourage you to be wise in your choice of points, though, as well. So, you can choose to eat the high fiber, more filling foods if you want. You can also choose to eat losts of "free" veggies to help stave off the hunger. Now, I lost weight on Weight Watchers, but I didn't manage to keep it off. So, this isn't really a guarantee either.

Unfortunately, the only way to truly be successful, in my opinion, is to find a diet you can follow for the rest of your life. I am not convinced Atkins or South Beach really are choices you could follow forever. Weight Watchers (or any calorie counting plan) are because it is simply a matter of figuring out how many calories a day you can eat without gaining weight (after you have lost your weight, that is) and then staying within that range. Eat what you want. So, if you decide you want ice cream today, don't have ice cream and a large meal. I admit it can be hard to follow while losing weight though because you can't eat as much as you might need to not feel hungry, but it is probably wisest to follow this diet (or one like it) because once you have lost the weight, you are more likely to be able to keep it off and at that point you will be able to eat more food so you won't feel hungry all the time.

Attached Image Edited: tenaheff on 7th Jan, 2005 - 11:54am

Post Date: 7th Jan, 2005 - 9:10pm / Post ID: #

The Best Diet
A Friend

The Diet Psychology Special & Health

Since I've never been on a diet in my life, I can safely say I've never cheated on my diet. Now I am a little overweight but I've read too many reports that diets don't work, or if they do, the results are temporary and most people gain it all back plus some when they get discouraged and go off the diet. When you restrict calories, your metabolism slows down making weight loss negligible. When you give up and go back to your former eating habits, your metabolism takes a while to speed up resulting in weight gain.

That being said, I do know 4 or 5 people who have lost weight successfully on the Atkins Diet. But this is a questionable diet, nutrition wise.

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