Why I Am Catholic

Why Catholic - Studies of Catholicism - Posted: 20th Sep, 2008 - 4:03am

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How long have you been Catholic? Are you an active member of the Catholic church or only on holidays, funerals and weddings?
Post Date: 31st Mar, 2005 - 12:04pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am Catholic

How Long Have You Been Catholic?

This thread is for members of the Catholic church ONLY to state how long they have been a member of the church and why they remain a member or became a member.

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Post Date: 7th Aug, 2006 - 3:40pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am Catholic
A Friend

Catholic I Why

Wow... does this mean that I'm the only Catholic member of this site?

In answer to the question: I was baptised at about a month old (usually babies are baptized at about 6 months, but since they were afraid I wouldn't survive, they hurried mine). I guess that means I've been Catholic all my life.

I remain a member of the Church because, while I did have many questions about Catholic teachings, I have done research into why we are taught and believe exactly what we do, and found the truth in it for myself.

I'm not perfect, I still do question and search for answers, but I have reason to trust my faith. I think that unfortunately, many people don't search for understanding, but believe whatever they're told, which causes grave errors in their perception of religion(s) on the whole... but that's just my opinion.

8th Oct, 2006 - 6:10pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am Catholic Catholicism Studies

I have been a Catholic since I was baptised, which was when I was a few months old, I don't remember it then and I have as much hair now as I did then haha

When I was growing up, I had all the sacraments, First Confession, First Holy Communion, Confirmation.. when I went into adulthood I kind of lost my way a bit with religion.

I wouldn't describe myself as a devout Catholic, I do believe and I do pray though and go to Mass most weeks. It has definitely become a lot more important to me over the last few years.

Post Date: 14th Aug, 2007 - 4:54pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am Catholic
A Friend

Catholic I Why

I've been Catholic since a month or 2 after birth. I like the others know that it's not perfect but no religion is and I enjoy going to church every Sunday. I have a son and he goes every Sunday with me at 4 years old.
He was baptised 2 weeks after birth and has ben going ever since.

Post Date: 8th Nov, 2007 - 7:46am / Post ID: #

Why I Am Catholic
A Friend

Catholic I Why

I've been a Catholic as long as I can remember. Lately I've had sporadic attendance at best, but it's nice to have it there for support if I need it.

Attached Image Edited: Secruss on 8th Nov, 2007 - 7:47am

Post Date: 16th Mar, 2008 - 6:26pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am Catholic
A Friend

Why I Am Catholic

I have been a Catholic as long as I remember also. Though recently I have been attending a Christian Church to the insistence of my girl.

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Post Date: 19th May, 2008 - 5:40pm / Post ID: #

Why I Am Catholic
A Friend

Why I Catholic

I have been catholic my whole life. I received all of the sacraments went to Mass every Sunday and First Fridays until I was about 24. I rarely go to Mass now, maybe once a year to make my mom happy. But I do pray and believe in God, I just don't think I have to go to church to prove it.

Post Date: 20th Sep, 2008 - 4:03am / Post ID: #

Why I Am Catholic
A Friend

Why I Catholic Studies Catholicism

I have been Catholic my entire life of 57 years. I remain a Catholic because the Sacraments help me to become more holy also because I would not be able to live without the Eucharist.

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