With this tracking system it's hard to know if you are safe or not. I was in a thread war with Wizard yesterday. I posted a lot in the last hour or two yesterday. My post count keeps falling due to yesterday's falling off. I'm afraid I'll end up with 19 or something. :(.
Well whether I am first place or not, I am at least glad I was able to get up to 20 posts during this round of the competition. It would be very nice if I could jump up to the top right before it ends though. Laughs.
On the concern of getting below 20 before it ends, I advise that you just keep posting until the timer is up. Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd Jan, 2017 - 11:34pm
Well you are at 25 now with under 2 minutes, so I do believe you will be fine in that regard. I admit, I was not expecting to even have a chance when I got up this morning, it appearing you had so many, but I guess I lucked out. Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd Jan, 2017 - 11:57pm