ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 103 of 105

Kyra realizes that she doesn't have - Page 103 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 29th Jan, 2017 - 11:46am

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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue Related Information to ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue
25th Jan, 2017 - 12:13pm / Post ID: #
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 103

Game Master says...

The warhorse whinnies but stands fast as Kyra prepares against the oncoming onslaught. Two trolls close on you with their charge, attacking horse and paladin with bites (Horse 6, Kyra 8 damage). The young troll hit by arrows pulls them out and the wound begins healing before your eyes. He looks at you with an evil grin as the large adult troll strolls casually wearing a similar sneer.

Kyra and horse respond in kind. The scimitar flashes as it slashes but to no effect at all. The horse's bite is far too high but then its hooves come crashing down (Troll 3: 16 damage).

Akiros and Hegin see an opening is the well injured target and focus their fire. Both take a movement away from the melee as their arrows fly, but only Hegin hits, both of them taking care to avoid allies in melee (Troll 3: 6 damage).

The first young troll's wound closes completely, he cricks his neck and joins the fray, chomping down right on the horse's snout (Horse 12 damage). The injured troll regenerates a bit and slashes at it with a claw in retaliation (Horse 6 damage). The horse falls with a loud thud. The troll faces Kyra and takes a step towards her.
The troll already attacking Kyra only lands one claw from 3 attacks (Kyra 4 damage).

You decide the injured troll deserves to be put down and your scimitar cuts across its chest (Troll 3 10 damage). Hegin and Akiros agree but can't land hits on it.

Out of Character: Well, good luck with this! You could possibly have gone for a mounted retreat, but the opportunity may have lapsed. I added Power Attack for that little extra damage boost.

So what desperately needed spells did you pray to Sarenrae for today (Retroactively is fine), and what has Akil been doing?

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25th Jan, 2017 - 1:28pm / Post ID: #
OathB Chosen One lvl 6
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Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

The Diplomat says...

“Fire,” came the word to Kyra's mind, that of her familiar. It made sense now why he had advised the spell he did. Thus, with prayer in her heart and a warm in her belly she says to her companions, “Fire, that is their weakness!” Hopefully Akiros and Hegin could offer help when it came to making use of such a weakness.

This, the spell Firebelly was used and filling it rise from belly breath of flames came to Kyra's mouth. Facing the next troll before her, a cone of fire shots out fifteen feet before her to hopefully burn one of the monsters. Akil keeps near but out from under foot during the battle, ready to offer healing, though would advise retreat if possible and may offer a distraction if needs be.

Considering the trolls, she berated herself for not recognizing them begore. Sure, Kyra reasoned, diplomacy had worked in the past but in situations like this it was simply foolish mistake. As such, though she was wounded, the young woman fought on until either she and her companions had killed the trolls or they retreated if able.

Out of Character: I'm not sure if she gets any bonuses to the spell damage. I admit I wish I had something a bit stronger when it came to a fire spell, but it was all I could find.

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 25th Jan, 2017 - 1:33pm

Kyra Results:
  • Attack on D20 (+0): 16 (1 roll)
  • Damage (cone, fire) on D4 (+0): 3 (1 roll)

25th Jan, 2017 - 2:46pm / Post ID: #
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Game Master says...

As three trolls move away from the dying horse and converge on Kyra, only two bites and a claw have enough impact to injure (Kyra 5+5 damage). The injured troll regenerates a little.

Kyra takes a step back before casting and unleashes a gout of flame from her mouth. One troll dodges its worst effects, the other two are hit head on. (Troll 1: 1, 2&3: 3 fire damage) Retcon: Kyra lays hands on herself (Kyra 16 healed)
Two arrows fly in to skewer the troll that's worst off (Troll 3: 12 damage)

That troll regenerates a little and a flurry of attacks come toward Kyra. One bite and two claws cause minor injuries (Kyra 6+7+5 damage) and then one claw comes straight at your head (Kyra 9 damage).

Out of Character: It's important to be out of melee range because casting a spell provokes an attack. A 5-foot-step works. Also you don't need to roll an attack unless it's a touch or ray spell, the trolls roll saves instead. It's against your spell DC of 10+charisma+spell level, so 14.

Firebelly is actually a spell from the dwarf god Torag, so it'll slide this once. You've still got 2 minutes/2 breaths left on it. Wouldn't Sun Metal be the perfect pick? Well, maybe not against multiple clustered targets. I find when it comes to distinctions between deities the Archives of Nethys website is far superior to d20pfsrd.

I'm sure that Akil can help out a lot more than just a distraction, but I'm not spoiling it for you. If you want to retcon a swift heal after taking the 10 damage I'll allow that too.

Attached Image Edited: iCon on 26th Jan, 2017 - 2:24am

25th Jan, 2017 - 3:29pm / Post ID: #
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Page 103 Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

The Diplomat says...

Everything was happening so fast, her horse was down at this point and even she was becoming badly wounded. Kyra was being nearly swarmed by the trolls and while the spell seemed to work the monsters were still regenerating their wounds to at least some degree. This was bad, the paladin actually wondering if they would make it out alive or even at least if she could keep her mount from dying as well herself and her companions.

She moves away from the trolls as best she can, trying to keep the horse calm as well heal herself as she keeps her scimitar ready. Kyra still had two burst of flame she could offer and when finished it was back to attacking with her weapon. Calling to Akiros and Hegin, she yells, "What should we do? I... I'm being pinned down here!" She looks to her familiar for advice, before shooting off another cone of flames from her mouth.

Akil for his part was calculating, though it may be difficult to see. He did notice the spell that was being cast, realizing there was a mix up, but catching it too late. Yet the feline would use such to his advantage as he get to the dying horse to stabilize it by jumping down to land on its back. Looking to Kyra, he says, "If we can't kill them soon, we should retreat."

Specific Action: Kyra will heal herself with lay of hands, retroactively/recon even. Before shooting off another cone of flame. The next two rounds lets say, while also trying to retreat as a move action if possible. Akil will get to a high enough position by climb before jumping down on the horse to pay of paws, and then using the at will guidance for a bonus to a roll.

Out of Character: I am treating it as some sort of in campaign mix up, a one time thing though, and rolling with my mistake for now for firebelly, though next time I will see to Kyra using sun metal on her scimitar if the situation arises.

Hopefully this will do, if things get anymore serious and no one has died, though especially so if they do fall unconscious, I will have Kyra retreat. Either that, or if she is told to by the others. Given how one troll seems to have been killed, I am hoping the others will fall soon as well.

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 26th Jan, 2017 - 2:03am

Kyra Results:
  • Damage (cone, fire) on D8 (+0): 8 (1 roll)
  • Attack on D20 (+9): 12 (1 roll)
  • Attack on D20 (+4): 7 (1 roll)
  • Damage (morningstar) on D6 (+2): 3, 7 (2 rolls)

26th Jan, 2017 - 3:02am / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

Game Master says...

Kyra quickly lays hands on herself again (Kyra 16 healed) before unleashing a gout of flame which two troll avoid most damage (Troll 1&3: 1, 2: 3 fire damage). She moves back, the trolls swing wildly but miss their attacks of opportunity.
Meanwhile, Akil heals the horse (Horse 12 healed) which wakes up, gets up and immediately goes to kick a troll (Troll 3: 7 damage)

Hegin decides to channel a Smite through his next arrow, picking the injured troll as his target. The arrow bursts with a flash of light as it impacts (Troll 3: 6 damage).
Akiros is struggling to hit with his arrows.
They're both standing about 40' away from the Trolls and horse. Kyra is now 20 feet closer to Akiros and also only 10' away from the river behind you.

Two trolls charge towards Kyra, while the injured one reengages the horse as its wounds close. One claw connects against the horse (Horse 4 damage; is on 2 HP). The trolls charging Kyra cannot find purchase and do no damage.

Kyra steps back, breathing her last cone of flame. Both trolls take the full brunt of the spell (Troll 1&2: 4 fire damage). These two trolls aren't badly injured, but the burns aren't healing.
The horse fights for its life biting the troll's face and kicking the centre of its chest (Troll 3: 17+11 damage). The troll falls with a light crash.
Akil get a little mad, clawing and biting in a coup de grace to ensure it stays down. However, the resilient troll doesn't immediately expire, but it stays unconscious.

Akiros and Hegin fumble with their bows, unable to shoot. Hegin targets his second Smite Evil on Troll 2 who is slightly more singed.

The troll on the ground regenerates a little, but not enough to regain consciousness. One troll can't hit against Kyra, the other hits with bite and claw (Kyra 7+5 damage).

Out of Character: Opportunity to change tactics, do additional actions, or switch to 1 action per round. Don't forget you get 2 spells per day, not one.
Would a map help?

Attached Image Edited: iCon on 26th Jan, 2017 - 3:04am

28th Jan, 2017 - 3:03pm / Post ID: #
OathB Chosen One lvl 6
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue

The Diplomat says...

Kyra takes a different tactic, calling upon her Goddess for a spell she knew was Sarenrae's to give. The paladin was still worried about being clobbered too much, but for at least a little longer the woman wanted to try and take these trolls down.

With her words of prayer, her shield raised to protect, her scimitar becoming engulfed in flames, Kyra attacks the troll closest to him while still walking away from them. Again, she calls upon Akil and asks of him, "Help bring guidance the attacks of myself and the others."

The paladin whistle for her steed to flee the battle, given how badly injuries the horse was hurt. She hoped that it would remember the trics she had taught it, of when to change and when to get out of battle before Kyra then calls to Hegin and Akiros, "We… I feel we should flee if we cannot take them down soon. Into the water and away from these monsters." Already, though she was retreating, the fact the young woman kept on fighting was a risk.

Specific Action: Kyra casts Sun Metal on her scimitar, shield raised and ready, before attacking while moving backwards. Akil will be casting guidance on Kyra and the others, though perhaps not all on the same round of course. Horse has been ordered to flee the battle, if it is able to.

Out of Character: I believe it may be best to keep this at two rounds, but then a single round afterwards. I hope we will be able to end this in that time, even if they don't kill the trolls knocking them out long enough to flee is fine.

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 28th Jan, 2017 - 3:04pm

Kyra Results:
  • Attack on D20 (+1): 19 (1 roll)
  • Damage (scimitar) on D6 (+0): 4 (1 roll, as D2-6)
  • Extra Flame Damage on D4 (+0): 3 (1 roll, as D2-4)

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29th Jan, 2017 - 4:40am / Post ID: #
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 103

Game Master says...

Kyra continues to step back as she casts. The horse delivers one last swift kick to the troll, before galloping west 50'. That troll's body is mostly unrecognisable and regeneration seems to slow down. The fresh, fleshy tendrils tangle as they emerge from wounds but cannot find ligature.

Akiros misses but moves closer to both you and the river. Hegin hits (Troll 2: 9 damage) with another shining, streaking shot. He also rides closer in, but remains a wary 30' away.

The new arrow is ejected from the troll's flesh and the wound half closes, unlike the burns it had previously suffered. It runs over to Hegin and tries to bite, but misses. The other troll isn't distracted and closes in on Kyra. All three attacks come down on her like a ton of bricks. The bite clamps down on her left shoulder, the right claw embeds itself in the right shoulder and the left claw grips her waist as the troll's wicked nails puncture the metal breastplate. Then the metal groans as Kyra feels herself being pulled apart (Kyra 5+5+4+6 damage)

The large troll cannot control himself much longer whether through anger from loss or just base hanger. It gives chase to your horse as they split away from the battle.

With the last mote of effort left, Kyra swings downward, slicing the left side of the troll's skull (Troll 1: 18 damage, 3 fire). However, because their brains are so small, it hits no vitals organs and the troll still stands, wound bubbling and sizzling.

Out of Character: Well an 18 is a critical threat on a scimitar, you can give the trolls back after their multiple 20's. I rolled you a natural 18 to confirm.
However, the damage you rolled is on the weighted dice (I.e. Can't roll a one) so I rerolled them for you. I got a 2 on the d6 and a 4 on the extra d6, and I assume you were power attacking for a +4 (Doubled)? Total of 6+4+8 damage and 3 fire damage. If only you chose to smite as well…

Perhaps another swift action Lay On Hands is in order before you fall unconscious?

Just to warn you, you are planning on wading into a 250' wide, slow moving river. You don't know how deep it is.

29th Jan, 2017 - 11:46am / Post ID: #
OathB Chosen One lvl 6
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 103

The Diplomat says...

Kyra realizes that she doesn't have much time has the troll attacks and the agony of its blows hit her. With only enough energy for one last self heal, she places a hand upon her heart and called upon her Goddess offering a quite prayer, "Allow thy light to embrace me." Already though, she was about ready to fall on her knees given the pain she felt and her wounds.

The trolls are it appears perhaps badly hurt, but Kyra could not even tell how badly hurt they were except that they unhealed wounds trying to regenerating but failing it actually quite sickening. Perhaps though their minds simply could not register the pain.

The one large slash downward into his skull, though horrific, does not down the troll but leaves it bubbling and sizzling. Kyra presses the attack, wishes to end it if possible going for a full attack despite her wounds before falling back or with her companions to save her if she falls unconscious.

Specific Action: One last swift Lay of Hands on herself, no more left. One last full attack, if that doesn't take the troll down she will try fleeing or if downed hopefully her companions are close enough to get her out of there.

Out of Character: Honestly, if possible, Kyra would simply want to maybe trick the trolls to fall or run into the water. Yet perhaps that would just be to the groups disadvantage as it might better allow its wounds to heal. Signs, I can't see any other answer but running, as Kyra has no Lay of Hands left after this and I already fear her death.

Kyra Results:
  • Attack on D20 (+0): 6 (1 roll)
  • Damage on D6 (+4): 10 (1 roll)
  • Extra Flame Damage on D4 (+0): 4 (1 roll)
  • Lay of hands (Swift) on D6 (+0): 4 (1 roll, as D3-6)

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