Independent Liberal Party ILP Trinidad & Tobago - Page 2 of 4

I'm here reading some of the comments - Page 2 - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 27th Jul, 2013 - 2:01pm

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  Independent Liberal Party ILP Trinidad Tobago Jack Warner's party.
12th Jul, 2013 - 2:17am / Post ID: #

Independent Liberal Party ILP Trinidad & Tobago - Page 2

If Jack Warner wins this election then the Independent Liberal Party will be another movement against the PP. They might even become bigger than the MSJ simply because of the wealth Jack Warner can funnel into the ILP. If Jack loses... The party will blow away with the wind.

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18th Jul, 2013 - 1:33pm / Post ID: #

Tobago and Trinidad ILP Party Liberal Independent

If they win, I would think it was not all "Fair and square". Unfortunately, the man behind this political group has a reputation of dishonesty and several investigations because of his business deals so I wouldn't trust too much the results.

Post Date: 19th Jul, 2013 - 6:12pm / Post ID: #

Independent Liberal Party ILP Trinidad & Tobago Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad


Title: Who makes the prover

Comments: I must say when you look back a generation. Those who laughs at Jack Warner must laugh at themselves because they speak after the same people who says that Jack Warner is unworthy Are these people who speaks so proudly about self worth really worth anything. Jack Warner [brought] his winnings to Trinidad and Tobago. Those who speak against him. Took away our opportunities.

19th Jul, 2013 - 6:17pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Tobago and Trinidad ILP Party Liberal Independent

I don't think that is true, I am very sure that this Jack Warner was able to create his own party thorough his own followers that he probably have bribed. Guest, I do not agree on what you are saying. I find that every politician, new or not new, are the same. Some politicians lie to the people so they can believe in them and that is never good.

Attached Image Edited: Felipe on 19th Jul, 2013 - 6:19pm

Post Date: 21st Jul, 2013 - 1:09am / Post ID: #

Tobago and Trinidad ILP Party Liberal Independent

Name: Benj

Comments: Make Trinidad and Tobago the jewel of the Caribbean,a status we lost because of this present administration. REPRESENTATION is the key word, not lies and innuendos,cover ups and mudslinging. What would you tell your child or children? Lie or do your best for society. Go Jack you set standards where no man dare take on.

21st Jul, 2013 - 2:18pm / Post ID: #

Independent Liberal Party ILP Trinidad & Tobago

I really cannot wait for the 29th July to see how this all plays out. If Jack wins that will be a huge upset for the UNC. If the UNC wins that is the end of Jack Warner because the UNC already hinting that they want all kinds of investigations brought against him.

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Post Date: 27th Jul, 2013 - 1:50am / Post ID: #

Independent Liberal Party ILP Trinidad & Tobago - Page 2

Name: Sonaz

Title: A man for the People

Comments: In every generation a man is raised to save the people when there seems to be no hope I had given up on Trinidad and Tobago but now I can look forward to the future. At long last someone with vision and will to help us. Thanks Mr.Warner

27th Jul, 2013 - 2:01pm / Post ID: #

Independent Liberal Party ILP Trinidad & Tobago Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean - Page 2

I'm here reading some of the comments made by several guests in support of Jack such as Benj and Sonaz and a few others. Can anyone please tell me how they justify or come into terms with the fact they are supporting someone with serious and questionable ethic and dishonesty? And it's indeed no rumors, but it has been proven through an investigation.

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