The Second Great Depression - Page 3 of 21

They are just going to keep injecting and - Page 3 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 19th Sep, 2008 - 6:52pm

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The Second Great Depression US Economy worst now than it was in the First Great Depression - what are your thoughts?
19th Sep, 2008 - 12:56am / Post ID: #

The Second Great Depression - Page 3

Funny how we try to separate each from its own. "Elitest", "super rich" or just plain "rich", it is all the same plant and they bear all the same fruit. Why do you think communism is invading America?

Attached Image Edited: Debate on 19th Sep, 2008 - 12:58am

International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 100 ActivistPoliticianJunior Politician 10%

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19th Sep, 2008 - 2:02am / Post ID: #

Depression Great The

Well here is what the 'rich' are doing. The US treasury department is talking about a Trillion dollar bail out. Yes, that is with a "T" not a "B", so much money is needed that NEW legislation will have to be passed in order for it to work.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3240 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 19th Sep, 2008 - 2:30am / Post ID: #

The Second Great Depression
A Friend

The Second Great Depression History & Civil Business Politics

These are the criminals. They are bailing out their criminal buddies. These people ar not financial geniuses. They are thieves and fools. They don't even understand the economy for the most part.

The market system is not in charge here folks.

This is not the legitimate rich people. I grew up poor white trash (I am still po), but I can still tell the difference between the honest rich and the thieves.

We shouldn't try to blame everything on the goo rich folks. They are getting screwed right now to (big time).

The fed keeps printing up money which waters it down to the point that it isn't worth anything. I think I just came up with an original analogy. Maybe not.

They just keep watering it down till it ain't going to be worth anything.

19th Sep, 2008 - 1:21pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Depression Great The

Ben Bernanke once said he would drop money from helicopters to save the economy. Well, here he goes, and he'll keep that nickname for the rest of his life.


Helicopter Ben Strikes Again
by Mark Stein Sep 14 2008

Scrambling to cope with the latest credit crisis, the Federal Reserve lowers its collateral standards for investment banks and temporarily waives limits on banks' investments in subsidiaries.

With credit markets quaking amid one of the most tumultuous days on Wall Street in a generation-including, perhaps, the failure of the fourth-largest U.S. investment bank-the Federal Reserve late Sunday moved to calm nerves by saying it would greatly expand its emergency lending programs for banks.

The Fed also agreed to temporarily waive limits on how much regulated banks can invest in affiliated financial institutions.

...Meanwhile, the Term Securities Lending Facility will now accept any investment-grade debt securities. Before Sunday, banks had to put up only the most highly rated bonds and other debt securities; now they can proffer anything other than junk bonds, increasing the risk to taxpayers.

All futile attempts to manage the economy. "Helicopter Ben" Bernanke is playing with fire, and all of this is not going to stop a major meltdown of the markets - not just the USA, but globally. The volatility right now is the indicator; look for serious repercussions of this loose money policy very soon. The market can't be managed on such a grand scale. It has to correct itself, and that's unpreventable.

Source 8

International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 ActivistPoliticianAmbassador 59.5%

19th Sep, 2008 - 1:28pm / Post ID: #

Depression Great The

This news is down right scary at best and yes this is a global issue whether we like it or not.

International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 ActivistPoliticianSenior Politician 18.8%

Post Date: 19th Sep, 2008 - 2:47pm / Post ID: #

The Second Great Depression
A Friend

The Second Great Depression

I seem to think that all this influx of money is going to place us all in a bad situation soon. Yeah it might all look good for a short period of time but soon it is going to have to backlash out and hit hard.

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Post Date: 19th Sep, 2008 - 6:36pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

The Great Depression - Page 3

Better Known As Trillions

Treasury Secretary Paulson says "hundreds of billions" of dollars are needed to resolve U.S. financial crisis.
Ref. CNN

Post Date: 19th Sep, 2008 - 6:52pm / Post ID: #

The Second Great Depression
A Friend

The Great Depression Politics Business Civil & History - Page 3

They are just going to keep injecting and injecting and injecting more and more money till it just completely collapses in to nothing. Stocks are going to soar real high with all of this money that they are dumping.

I think it will be a done deal by the middle of october.

Does anyone remember a guy by the Name of Ron Paul? You know, the medical doctor that everyone said was crazy. The congressman that has been with the same women for 50 years and has a history of super hero type morals. The only one with the courage to stand up to congress and the government.

You might want to go back and see some of the stuff that he has been saying for years.

Who is crazy now? lol

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