Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Main Game - Page 14 of 95

"Another good match Gorion. I think these - Page 14 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 16th Oct, 2013 - 5:51pm

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15th Oct, 2013 - 10:55pm / Post ID: #

Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Main Game - Page 14


Gorion awakes covered in wood chips and looks around to find that Resfrix has already awoken and left the room. He gathers up his knives and carvings, cleans up his mess, then says his morning prayers. After saying his prayers, Gorion heads to the dining hall and joins the others for breakfast. Noticing an open seat next to Resfrix, he takes a seat and greets his roomate.

"Good morning my friend! If Father Zantus has enough bugs, perhaps we can engage in another
Sparring session!"


Salius exits his ship onto the bustling dock, and navigates through the crowd of sailors and dock workers to Salmon Street. He notices an unusual amount of people for a town the size of Sandpoint, and wonders why it is so crowded.

Salius makes his way down Salmon Street and sees a sign for an inn at the end of the street. He navigates through the crowd until he gets close enough to read the sign.

"The Rusty Dragon" He says to himself, "This place looks nice, I hope they have a room left."

He entered the crowded common room and stepped up to the bar. After much work, he was able to flag down a barkeep and order a drink and inquire about a room.

"I'll have a pint of ale please, and a room if one is available."

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16th Oct, 2013 - 6:29am / Post ID: #

Game Main RPG Runelords The Rise Canabusis


A beautiful woman leans forward after filling a mug and sets it and its contents on the bar. "I have a room available but only if paid for upfront, it runs three gold pieces a night but if you plan on staying a while I'll make you a deal on a weekly rate at 15 gold pieces, all meals included for 20 gold pieces." She gives you a wink and smiles waiting for your decision.

Gorion & Resfrix,

This mornings meal is a congealed substance that hardly resembles it's name 'porridge'. Very bland and barely palatable making it hard to stomach you eat it grudgingly only to sustain your energy.

Attached Image Edited: Canabusis on 16th Oct, 2013 - 6:29am

16th Oct, 2013 - 12:13pm / Post ID: #

Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Main Game Archive Pathfinder / D&D


"Hmmm." Salius thought to himself, "I don't know that I'll be staying a whole week. Will 9 gold cover two nights and meals?" Salius reached into his pouch and produced 9 gold coins. "Say, this town seems very busy for its size, whats going on? Also, I am in Varisia to study the ancient Thassilonians, is there someone in town that might know of any ruins nearby, or possess any knowledge of them?" Salius continues to drink his ale while listening to the barkeeps response.


When the bowl was placed in front of him, Gorion stirred it with his spoon and looked over at Resfrix, "Are you sure the bugs were for the butterflies?" Gorion chuckled a bit and whispers to Resfrix, "Lets choke this down and head outside for another sparring session."

16th Oct, 2013 - 12:15pm / Post ID: #

Page 14 Game Main RPG Runelords The Rise Canabusis


"Hmmm." Salius thought to himself, "I don't know that I'll be staying a whole week. Will 9 gold cover two nights and meals?" Salius reached into his pouch and produced 9 gold coins. "Say, this town seems very busy for its size, whats going on? Also, I am in Varisia to study the ancient Thassilonians, is there someone in town that might know of any ruins nearby, or possess any knowledge of them?" Salius continues to drink his ale while listening to the barkeeps response.


When the bowl was placed in front of him, Gorion stirred it with his spoon and looked over at Resfrix, "Are you sure the bugs were for the butterflies?" Gorion chuckled a bit and whispers to Resfrix, "Lets choke this down and head outside for another sparring session."

Post Date: 16th Oct, 2013 - 2:34pm / Post ID: #

Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Main Game
A Friend

Game Main RPG Runelords The Rise Canabusis

"Yeah it seems the porridge was not well made today. I am sure if the insects were mixed in they would just add some flavor. Yes, lets go and spar. I could use a good work out again this morning. Especially after seeing the wonder of the beautiful colors on the butterflies thanks to Sarenrae."

After finishing the porridge Resfrix will take his bowl and spoon back to the kitchen area to wash it out. He will head outside and get ready for the sparring session.

Out of Character:: D20 rolls modified: 8, 19, 14, 21, 6, 12, 18

After the sparing session he will head down to the shrine of Sarenrae for his morning devotions and meditations. Afterwards he will talk to any who are at the shrine of the wonder of Sarenrae and how she loves the world and touches it with her life giving light.

Out of Character:: Spells for the day

0- level: Create water, detect magic, mending
1 level: Cure light wounds Comprehend languages

16th Oct, 2013 - 3:44pm / Post ID: #

Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Main Game

Gorion finishes his porridge and heads outside to meet Resfrix for their sparring match.

Out of Character:: modified d20 rolls= 8, 17, 15, 8, 22, 19, 9

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16th Oct, 2013 - 4:59pm / Post ID: #

Canabusis' Rise The Runelords RPG Main Game - Page 14


"7 Gold will cover two nights and meals... And cranky old Brodert Quink would be the man you may or may not want to talk to. He resides over on Tower street at the very end next to the Old Light. His house is ancient and most think he's crazy." Ameiko shrugs.

Gorion & Resfrix,

You both bow in respect to show your readiness for the match to begin. Immediately you lock swords with your first thrusts of battle. As you both separate you both take a swipe at each other in your retreat and Resfrix hits Gorion in the shoulder as Gorion hits Resfrix simultaneously in the hip. Your swords crack together as you both parry the next intended blows.

Resfrix hits Gorion hard across the head making Gorion see starts float in his vision. As Resfrix allows Gorion to gain his composure again he lets down his guard long enough for Gorion to return the favor and smacks Resfrix square in the head in return as he stumbles trying to gain his footing again while his head clears Gorion continues his assault hitting Resfrix in the arm. Taken back by Gorion's continued strike not giving Resfrix a moment to regain any ground Resfrix draws from his anger and hits Gorion in return hard on the arm. Having seen his anger get the better of him he withdraws winded and bows his respect. Gorion bows in return and you both stand their in silent respect for a moment gaining your bearings.

Attached Image Edited: Canabusis on 16th Oct, 2013 - 5:00pm

Post Date: 16th Oct, 2013 - 5:51pm / Post ID: #

Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Main Game
A Friend

Canabusis' Rise The Runelords RPG Main Game D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 14

"Another good match Gorion. I think these sparring matches are good for keeping us in top shape. I hope I did not harm you too much with that head blow friend."

Resfrix heads towards the shrine of Sarenrae.

> TOPIC: Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Main Game


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