Robb's Special Day Waffles

Robb' S Special Day Waffles - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 16th Feb, 2017 - 10:45am

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Archived Recipe: Breakfasts
Post Date: 9th May, 2006 - 2:27pm / Post ID: #

Robb's Special Day Waffles

Recipe name:
Robb's Special Day Waffles

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What are your thoughts about this delightful dish?

Attached Image Recipe details:

2 c Sifted all-purpose flour

3 ts Double-acting baking powder

1 t Baking soda

1 t Salt

2 c Buttermilk

4 Eggs, well beaten

1 c Melted butter or margarine

Sift flour, baking powder, soda, salt. Combine buttermilk, eggs; add to flour mixture. With hand beater, or mixer at high speed, beat until smooth; whisk in butter. When waffle iron is ready to use, pour batter into center of lower half until it spreads about 1" from edges. Bring cover down gently. Cook until no steam escapes. Do not raise cover during baking. When waffle is done, lift cover; loosen waffle with fork; serve at once. Reheat iron before pouring in next waffle.

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Post Date: 16th Feb, 2017 - 10:45am / Post ID: #

Waffles Day Special Robbs

Name: Robb

Title: Robb's Special Day Waffles

Comments: I originally posted this recipe on the Internet in the 1980s, however I adapted it from a recipe published in "The Good Housekeeping Cookbook" that was published in the mid 1960s. It has always been our favorite, although it is very rich with butter, so we do not make it often.

The ingredients list and directions are both very clear and easy to follow, but can certainly be converted to metric measurements if need be.

I should mention that this recipe works best in a traditional waffle iron, not a Belgium style waffle iron. We usually serve the waffles with softened butter and pure maple syrup, but other toppings also work well. After the batter is poured, I sometimes sprinkle pieces of pecans over it before closing the iron.

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