Children & Guns

Children Guns - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 17th Jan, 2014 - 1:02pm

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  Children & Guns
Post Date: 26th Apr, 2007 - 8:15pm / Post ID: #

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Children & Guns


An eight-year-old was found watching cartoons with a loaded pistol beneath her and a stun gun and sawn-off shotgun nearby during a police sting on drug dealers in Wellington.
Ref. Source

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26th Jun, 2008 - 2:31pm / Post ID: #

Guns and Children

Guns and Children You will start to see more of this with the availability of guns being more apparent in the US and the media to make their use look glamorous.

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Post Date: 26th Jun, 2008 - 4:03pm / Post ID: #

Children & Guns
A Friend

Children & Guns History & Civil Business Politics

I doubt that it is going to be something found in everyones home. You have to remember that this was a drug house that was raided. Many drug dealers have guns with them or around them as it is part of the practice for when someone tries to home in on you or tries to take over your business. I was not surprised to hear about weapons being in a house with drugs or a small child being around these weapons either.

Post Date: 12th Jul, 2012 - 11:09pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Guns and Children

Boy, 10, fatally shot while wrestling gun with cousin, 13

A 13-year-old boy tried to wrestle a gun from his 10-year-old cousin moments before it went off, killing the younger boy, a family friend says. Ref.

Post Date: 7th May, 2013 - 2:39pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Guns and Children

NRA speaker's advice: Keep a gun in your child's room:

A home-defense seminar at this weekend's National Rifle Association convention urged parents to overcome their initial misgivings and store firearms in their childrens' bedrooms Ref. Source 3

Post Date: 9th May, 2013 - 6:54pm / Post ID: #

Children & Guns
A Friend

Children & Guns

That seems like a slanted headline that inaccurately draws attention to the NRA. The following is an equally accurate yet oppositely slanted headline of the SAME story.

"NRA speaker's advice: Keep a gun in a locked safe in your home:"

See how that works. Neither tells the whole story and each gives a completely different feeling about the topic and point of the story and the original speaker.

This type of careful editing is irresponsible and unethical.

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Post Date: 29th Oct, 2013 - 1:42pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Children & Guns

Tragic toll: 500 US kids killed annually from gunshots, 7,500 injured, research finds:

The number of US children and teenagers who died after sustaining gunshot wounds - mostly from handguns - jumped by nearly 60 percent in a decade, according to new findings. Ref. Source 6

Post Date: 17th Jan, 2014 - 1:02pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Children & Guns Politics Business Civil & History

4-year-old shot, killed by 4-year-old cousin in Detroit

Young children were playing in a room with a loaded rifle at the time of the shooting. Ref. Source 7

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