Germany 1939 Support

Germany 1939 Support - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 3rd Sep, 2007 - 3:15pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Please Note: This Thread is open to report Bugs or ask questions about things that may not seem to be right. HOWEVER, please do read the sticky Threads FIRST. It does not make sense to ask a question that has already been answered in detail within one of the Posts.
11th Jul, 2007 - 12:40am / Post ID: #

Germany 1939 Support

Germany 1939 Support

Wait a second, should that work that way? How come Germany just took me out when I have such a good defense? Why don't we have the use of grenades? This Thread is open to report Bugs or ask questions about things that may not seem to be right. HOWEVER, please do read the sticky Threads FIRST. It does not make sense to ask a question that has already been answered in detail within one of the Posts.

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12th Jul, 2007 - 3:07pm / Post ID: #

Support Germany

I tried my best to test everything, but there may be some glitches and word mistakes. As many as you find please do tell me about it so I can get them squared away.

Germany 1939 is not meant to be a fast fight, so you will find this is slow dirty fighting where only the truly consistent well come out victor.

31st Aug, 2007 - 4:50am / Post ID: #

Germany 1939 Support Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text


It is not a big bug, but in the purchase table...the max purchase for transport does not calculate correctly. To me, it seems that the number shown is actually the number that is in the 10's spot, if that makes any sense. When I can purchase between 10 and 19 transports, then the number shown is one. Under that amount the number is zero and of course when I can buy 20 to 29 transports, the max number calculated shows to be 2. It is not a big issue, but more of a cleanup one.

31st Aug, 2007 - 10:34am / Post ID: #

Support Germany

I will look at those and get them fixed today. I appreciate the updates.

31st Aug, 2007 - 2:50pm / Post ID: #

Support Germany

One question or request...would it be possible to find out how many weapons the person being attacked actually has as part of the attack report. I always see the report exactly matches (assuming that they have exactly that amout or likely more) the amount of soldiers. I see this in each of the other games. If you have less than or the exact amount as your soldiers the attack report is right...if you have more it is incorrect. This would be good information to the attacker OR perhaps this is the way you want it.

31st Aug, 2007 - 3:38pm / Post ID: #

Germany 1939 Support

I do not recall removing this... it should appear in this game as well?

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3rd Sep, 2007 - 3:32am / Post ID: #

Germany 1939 Support


I got some strange reports from attacks. I think the verbage is the same from RoK?

XXX soldiers invaded Zinidine's campsite..
armed with XXX Longsword's , XXX Crossbow's , XXX Bow & Arrow's , XXX Spears
Zinidine's XXX soldiers welcomed you with XXX LongSword's , XXX Crossbow's , XXX Bow & Arrow's , XXX Spears

XX of Zinidine's Soldiers' are left to die on the field..
XX of your soldiers fought bravely, but died for the cause..

The fighting was over, as Zinidine's soldiers start to run.

Your army returned with them XXX in credit

Pretty sure the Longswords are Battleships, Crossbows are Planes, Bows are Jeeps and Spear are Rifles. Naturally, I would think that each soldier needs a rifle, but it doesnt seem coded in this fashion?

Also, the calculated value for maximum purchases is off on a few things (Transports and Battleships for sure).

3rd Sep, 2007 - 3:15pm / Post ID: #

Germany 1939 Support Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

I am glad you pointed it out as I am seemed to have missed those. I also corrected purchase values.

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