Dana Seetahal Murder Case - Page 3 of 10

The reward for information leading to an arrest - Page 3 - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 5th May, 2014 - 11:16pm

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Discuss  Dana Seetahal Former Independent Senator Murdered - SC
Post Date: 4th May, 2014 - 3:24pm / Post ID: #

Dana Seetahal Murder Case - Page 3

Name: Shocked

Comments: Very sad to hear about her passing. Dana was an amazing attorney, talented and caring. Trinidad lost a great woman.

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Post Date: 4th May, 2014 - 3:25pm / Post ID: #

Case Murder Seetahal Dana

According to Minister Griffith: "We will not rest until those who have committed this most unspeakable act are brought to justice".

4th May, 2014 - 3:31pm / Post ID: #

Dana Seetahal Murder Case Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

My condolences to her family. Just the other day I was talking about her, really scary and shocking situation. I don't believe for a second that this was a robbery, the kind of weapon being used isn't very common and not used for this sort of crimes.

Post Date: 4th May, 2014 - 3:32pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Case Murder Seetahal Dana

According to reports, Dana Seetahal was fatally shot in the head and chest. An autopsy is currently being performed.

Post Date: 4th May, 2014 - 6:46pm / Post ID: #

Case Murder Seetahal Dana

Name: Diana

Comments: I don't want to sound insensitive but how is it possible that all of the sudden everyone seems shocked at the murder of Dana Seetahal? Average citizens are victims of violent crimes and murders every single day in Trinidad and Tobago and nobody seems to make a big deal about it and certainly you don't see TV6 news or any other news channel covering the case live. Why is this particular murder a national concern?

Post Date: 4th May, 2014 - 7:07pm / Post ID: #

Dana Seetahal Murder Case

The Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar issued an statement about the murder of Senior Counsel Dana Seetahal:

Attached Image QUOTE
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has issued a statement regarding the murder today of senior Counsel Dana Seetahal. The following is the statement is Persad-Bissessar -

It is with profound sadness and shock that I learned of the tragic death of a dear friend and colleague, Senior Counsel Dana Seetahal.

It is a reprehensible act which has robbed us all of one of our nation's best and brightest daughters. Even those who never met Dana Seetahal would recognise her through the life she lived and the proud legacy now left.

There is an abyss of loss and sadness for this brutal removal of a sister, friend, legal luminary and fearless, independent thinker on national issues.

As Prime Minister, I am resolutely committed to meeting the viciousness with which Dana Seetahal's brilliant life was cut down on the terms she would have wanted and fought so courageously and fearlessly for every day. Dana Seetahal would have uncompromisingly sought justice and made her voice known. Source 4

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5th May, 2014 - 12:08pm / Post ID: #

Dana Seetahal Murder Case - Page 3

Sympathies go out to the Seetahal family. While the rest of the country worry over lack of security this family is hurting the most.

5th May, 2014 - 11:16pm / Post ID: #

Dana Seetahal Murder Case Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean - Page 3

The reward for information leading to an arrest in the Dana Seetahal murder case has been boosted to $3.5 million dollars since the government added their contribution to Crime Stoppers' $1.5 million.

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