The Auto SRD is the best feature, just saying, as details between versions and editions of one game can be quite dramatic and difficult to decipher.
I forgot to also mention how nice it is to see the content from the rest of the site listed in the Wide Screen format. Makes it quite easy for me to follow other topics and threads that I am not subscribed to.
'Mon Added
A new Role-playing Game has been created (Reviewed here) which follows a theme that mixes monsters coming out of a ball possessed by the Character with the Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e system as the backbone. It will use the Comic section and thus has its own features.
Now, since that section already has Super Heroes and Ponyfinder, I've added additional code to ensure Styles, Avatars and so forth are not mixed up.
I think a good addition to the GM stats page would be an indication of which characters are in the current adventure. A lot of the time you get all these new sign ups that don't stay but make it look like if they're still part of the current party.
That's true. Recently, a player thought that we had more players than we really had because the stats page lists all the players that signed up but doesn't differentiate who died, or left the game.
More Body Selectors
The Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Board's Players now have a wider selection of Body options (15) for their Characters including: crossbowman, archer, knights and musketeer.
Hunter, I have to add that at some point.
Dungeons & Dragons Specific Avatars
67 unique Dungeons & Dragons Avatars have been added for use in the Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Boards. You can select them at anytime via the Text Role-playing Game Creator.