Out of Character: : Just to clarify, the party was discussing going into the great hallway (Area 5) when Hunter asked Davik to search it. Instead of searching it, Davik started a dissertation on going into room 2. During this time, the party gathered outside of the door to room 2, in the entrance hallway between areas 1 and 5. While the party was discussing the value of going into room 2, the Rakasta entered the entrance hallway through the door on the north end of the hallway. As of this point, the grand hallway is still dark. Any searching in the grand hallway would require some light.
In Character: : Hunter finds that the iron claws used by the Rakasta will not fit a normal human hand without some engineering.
Hunter realizes that the last battle confused him some. He says, "Are we going into that room (Room 2) or what are we doing? It is this undecided affair that led to the last attack."
"Hunter why not take the claws with you and we can see if we can make them work for you. As for the direction I don't care which way we go at this point."
Deciding to take the initiative, and considering that the attack by those strange feline creatures could have been because of their indecision, Geoffory says, "I say we go into this room." He points the door that he's talking about (Room 2).
Out of Character: I very much believe at this point that the attack was the Dungeon Master's way of saying that we need to move on. Edited: Thomaslee on 29th Dec, 2016 - 7:43pm
As you open the door to the room, you find it much the same way as you had seen it before. The room is luxuriously furnished with plush chairs, polished wood tables, ornate rugs and other fine furniture. The furniture has been pushed back against the walls and the carpets have been rolled up. In the middle of the floor, an impromptu boxing ring has been set up. In one corner of the ring a man stands as still as a statue with his hands raised in the boxing guard position. This man is wearing amber silk trunks. His skin has an unreal quality. Seated near the boxer is a man dressed in colorful silks, fancy lace and rich velvets. He also wears a large-brimmed hat flaunting a peacock’s feather. A jeweled rapier is slung on his right side on a supple leather baldric. He has wavy black hair and a closely trimmed beard which comes to a point. You recognize him as John-Louis Amber, the same man who greeted you in this room before. Two men in plate mail carrying halberds stand as guards on either side of the richly dressed man. The guards’ flesh has the same unreal quality as the boxer’s. John-Louis's flesh does not have this quality.
While the chairs have been pushed back, they all face toward the boxing ring. Floating above the center of each chair is a pair of red, unblinking eyes that turn to watch you. You realize that there seem to be fewer sets of eyes this time around and they are in different chairs about the room.
As you enter, John-Louis stands up in greeting, "I see that you've returned! Does that mean you're ready to make another wager?" he says with a grin.
Hunter downplays Delgar's suggestion saying, 'We don't have time for that."
He then enters the room and decides to see if he can get the attention of the eyes. He goes up to a pair and starts to strike up a conversation as though he recognizes 'it' by the eyes, "Those eyes, we've met before right?"
At the same time he will check to see if the door to the other room still has guards sleeping there.
Gabriel smiles, before offering a bow of his head to boxer and gentleman of the house before taking the time to try to detect in darkness or evil about those before him in the room. He took in the surroundings and those who could be seen, counting the guards as well making note of the strangely colored skin.
He would also say, "I am will to take up a wager. You want someone to fight your champion, do you not? I am willing to fight him, though I am curious what are the rules." The paladin would try to keep the situation calm, while he worked to get a better feel of those before him, though Gabriel felt that his companions may not approve of his decision to fight.
Out of Character: A paladin can detect the presence of evil intent up to 60 feet away by concentrating on locating evil in a particular direction. He can do this as often as desired, but each attempt takes one round. This ability detects evil monsters and characters. Edited: Thomaslee on 31st Dec, 2016 - 7:06am