Asking the barkeep, he informs you that there is a small village about a mile up the road to the north. It's a common stop for merchant caravans to resupply or make repairs.
There you can find somebody selling any standard equipment from the PHB at normal prices. This includes mounts, food, and weapons, with the exception of any armor or other equipment that is listed as being 30gp or more. This restriction is not on livestock such as mounts.
If interested, one heavy warhorse and three medium warhorses are available.
Map makers are a very skilled trade and not available in anyplace other than a major town. Edited: Falrun on 18th Jun, 2017 - 3:30pm
Hunter thanks the barkeep for the information. Speaking to the party in general,
"Do you have the gold sufficient to get horses for yourselves? I am heading a mile up the road for supplies and then we can head to that place 60 miles from here, agreed?"
Hunter then sets out to get a good riding horse with bit, bridle, saddle and a bag of oats just in case. He also inquires if there are more 'exotic' items for sale.
No 'exotic' equipment of any type is available. Only what is in the PHB, as described.
As for Drethen's stone horse, it is still with the party. Dropping the 10' to 15' feet down the ladder would have proved little trouble for the item.
It will, however, get a lot of odd looks and may even get Drethen in trouble for tinkering with magic. Edited: Falrun on 18th Jun, 2017 - 4:30pm
Out of Character: Sorry for the lack of PHB, what would be the cost of items described.
In Character: Hunter also inquires if there are any guides for hire. Someone that knows the area well and can tell us about places and persons we encounter.
Ardo barters with the people for a purchase of a medium horse, saddle, large saddle bags, bit and bridle, blanket and food for the horse for a few days for 245 gold. While he is at he also purchase a week of rations for himself. For a total of 255 gold.
This area is civilized enough and well developed enough that there are roads with adequate signage making a guide not necessary. Besides, the area is large and the populace is generally not that mobile (Other than merchants and minstrels) that guides aren't that common.
A bit and bridle, halter, pack saddle, large saddle bags, and a saddle blanket will run 12 gp.
A heavy warhorse is: 400 gp
A medium warhorse is: 225 gp
A light warhorse is: 150 gp
A riding horse is: 75 gp.