Specific Action: Gault lays still and begins moving fingers, toes, feet, hands, legs, and arms. These movements are subtle and slight in an effort to validate that everything or nothing is there. Done by flexing and contracting muscles.
In Character: Speaking sternly to the holo screen, "News. Local News. Volume Up 25."
Looking towards the guard, "Hey slick, what am I doing and where am I doing it?"
Checking for feeling in your limbs and extremities reveals all is well even though you have not tested it by walking or standing up.
You ask for local news and the holo screen brings up some options:
1. Increased crime
2. Political debate
3. Economic downfall
4. Real Estate mortgages
You attempt to get the guard's attention but other than a glance he is not engaging you.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
Specific Action: Gault sits up, regardless of whether he is clothed or not.
Then touches the space between his neck and his shoulder.
In Character: "Real Estate. Local."
Looking again towards the guard, "So who are you protecting? Me from them or them from me?"
As you sit up you feel a little light headed.
Your touch to your neck reveals a slight bump probably caused by a puncture wound. You estimate that when you were talking with the woman at the port that someone stuck you there sending you unconscious. You believe this seeing there is no bump to the back or top parts of your head.
As the news plays you want to engage the guard again but the feeling of a migraine comes on and you feel like you will soon faint. Right then the room starts to transform into what looks like a very posh home as you steady yourself on the bed and regain your composure.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
In Character: Gault tries to clear his mind and sort the image flashes from what is real. Placing his hands on his thighs to steady himself, Gault begins some deep breathing exercises to calm and steady himself.
Blanking out the sounds around him, he closes his eyes and continues to control his breathing in an effort to regain control of himself.
As Gault closes his eyes the afterimage or closed eye hallucination as you know it of the posh room retains itself on your mind but slowly disappears to blackness.
In the background, you can hear the news report still continuing. The narrator is currently showing the bathroom of an elegant home and focusing on the rare metals that went into the creation of the faucet as your eyes remain closed.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
Out of Character: Does the "Injection" Site between the neck and shoulder burn, tingle, itch, throb, or elicit any type of feeling or sensation?
In Character: Once Gault has control of himself, he opens his eyes, and begins surveying the room he is in. Looking for a mirror, his equipment, his clothes, and anything that might give some indication as to where he is.
Gault opens his eyes and to his surprise he sees himself in a posh bathroom with exactly what was described by the narrator! You quickly look around but can see nothing of your previous room. You look down and see that you are dressed in what looks like paramilitary gear.
GM: It is just a bit sore. Say what you wish to do now.