Leo says, "Actually, I suggest we speak with Father Marcellus first. I know, I know, please hear me out."
"We will need his help regardless if we hope to keep the Empire from sweeping in here without regard to the consequences, and he has spent more time getting to know the leaders of the tribe than I have."
You find Father Marcellus in the structure with the equal armed cross on it. The door consists of little more than a heavy drape made of some sort of plant like material. Pushing it aside it opens up into a small rectangular room maybe 15' X 12' with a fairly low ceiling. There is an altar set up on the far wall and between the door and the altar are about four pews made of hardened clay. The altar is fairly simple, and like most other things is made of earth. On the altar stands an equal armed cross set in a circle made of clay this one colored a deep brown and illuminated by a pair of candles that flank it.
Whisps of smoke rise from a small incense burner near the altar and the heavy scent of some form of musky incense fills your nostrils as you enter. The rooms only occupant is an elven female dressed in simple green robes who kneels near the altar in prayer but after only a moment Father Marcellus emerges from a doorway to the left. He smiles when he sees you but holds his index finger up to his mouth and motions toward the young woman then holds his finger up again as if to say "One moment"
Father Marcellus disappears back into the doorway and a few moments later he emerges putting on a heavy wool cloak, dark brown in color which covers his simple white robes and he ushers you all outside to talk.
Corren shakes Father Marcellus' hand. "It's good to see you, Father. Unfortunately we come with bad news, on several levels. I believe Reeve Gant has already told you most of it, so I will cut to the heart of the matter." Keeping his voice soft and low he continues, "We are going to attempt a raid into the Illiosani caves to free their prisoners. And we're going to need all the help we can get, first for a diversion so we can sneak in, then the same to come out. Trying to convince the Lighthair to help might require your assistance." He decides that is enough for the moment and looks to the others to see if they wish to add anything, and for the good Father's response.
Leo says, "If we can find a way to do so, we also intend to destroy or at least damage this tree they use for their… harvest. If the Maker favors our actions, the Iliosani ancestors will finally pass on, lacking the energy needed to remain."
"But Corren is right, we need all the assistance we can muster, capture is not an option in this." Edited: daishain on 4th Mar, 2017 - 2:55am
Carrick eyes the priest, an eyebrow raised, "See ye been busy 'ere. Hope yer not fillin' their 'eads wit' all that strict dogma th' church be spewin'... " The dwarf sighs a little as he knows that this probably not the time to interrogate the Father of his teaching methods. Carrick quickly redirects, "What's wit' th' wool cloak?"
Father Marcellus waves Carricks comment about the cloak away "Oh, recently I've been a bit under the weather… chills and such, they come and go, but I will be fine." He walks with the party to the village center near the well.
"It is good to see all of you again as well, though I will agree that events over the course of the past year have been a bit… foreboding" he sighs as he pulls the cloak around him tighter "But I'm not trying to fill the heads of these people with anything Master Carrick, thank you, I'm trying to fill their hearts with love of the Maker. And, yes, I have been busy; I've found many of the elves here to be surprisingly receptive to the Maker's Light, particularly the younger ones among them."
He pauses for a moment to consider the plan to strike at the Illiosani. "I think you will be hard pressed to convince the Lighthair to actively attack the Illiosani. There is plenty of tension there but the elders do not want to break the tenuous peace and engage in open war with their cousins. I can make a request for some form of diversionary attack but I doubt my success in convincing them to do so. Perhaps this… Fey Queen has the resources you need?" The last sentence is said with a tone of skepticism.
"What I can provide you with, however, are some healing salves that may prove useful. Also, while the Lighthair may be disinclined to openly attack the Illiosani perhaps they may be able to provide some information about this tree that the Illiosani use, and how to destroy it."