What is suddenly "Trumps war of worlds with black athletes"? I think that it does not matter what your race is on this issue. The news adding in Black or Hispanic or even Asian into this is wrong and it nothing more than trying to make it all about race. This is far from race. This is people who want to protest our national anthem and/or flag. Veterans have given them this right and we should not take it away as I have said before. Lets not make this about race please.
Uhm, what is he talking about that the President was sluggish in his response to the events in Charlottesville? He said what he said rather quickly. That the author didn't like it doesn't make it sluggish. Also, President Trump hasn't been all that quick here, as the author suggests. That said, I don't particularly agree with the way the President went about this. There are better ways.
I disagree with players sitting for the National Anthem. Especially players living off the fat of the land under freedoms provided by people that died for this country. I also think the NFL or individual teams, as a business, have the right to fire players for this. Just like a network has the right to fire a sports commentator for saying derogatory remarks about African Americans. If it can go way it can go the other, the left is not the only side rights. So, if you also disagree than do the other part of what the President said, which I do agree with, and turn the TV off. I no longer watch football. If enough people do that then watch the NFL react.
Yup, I'm with you KN and I was once one of the biggest football addicts you could find. I loved football. I was a pretty good linebacker back in the day. Good enough to get a partial scholarship to Rutgers. I was never good enough to be in the NFL, nor did I have the desire to do that. I was always destined for the military. But football has always been my game and now all this crap along with the cheating scandals and the lying about players' health, I'm done with it.
It no longer matters what the NFL does or does not do anymore. They have lost me as a fan. As long as Commissioner Goodrell is in charge nothing will really change. Yes he will submit a ruling due to them losing money but it is because of the money he is losing rather than making a real ruling if he will continue to allow some players to express their first amendment rights while at the same time punishing and fining others for exercising their first amendment rights. He need to make one ruling and stick with it.
Should something like this where there are so many mixed views be rewarded and by a megastar to make it even worst?