Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn

Army Lt Gen Michael Flynn - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 16th Feb, 2017 - 11:31pm

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Post Date: 18th Nov, 2016 - 10:28am / Post ID: #

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Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn

President-elect Donald Trump has offered retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn the role of national security adviser, a transition official said.

It was not immediately clear if Flynn has accepted.

Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, was a top adviser and high-profile surrogate to Trump during his campaign. Ref. CNN

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Post Date: 14th Feb, 2017 - 5:22am / Post ID: #

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Flynn Michael Gen Lt Army

President Donald Trump is "Evaluating the situation" around national security adviser Michael Flynn possibly misleading Vice President Mike Pence about whether he discussed sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.

Flynn's possible talk of sanctions -- and the fact that he likely misled Pence -- created a turbulent 72 hours for the White House, leading many to speculate that Trump's national security adviser could be asked to leave three weeks into his tenure.

"The President is evaluating the situation," White House press secretary Sean Spicer said in a statement. "He's speaking to the vice president relative to the conversation the vice president had with Gen. Flynn, and also speaking to various other people about what he considers the single most important subject there is: our national security."

The noncommittal statement came shortly after Kellyanne Conway, the counselor to the President, told reporters that Trump has "Full confidence" in Flynn. Ref. CNN.

Post Date: 14th Feb, 2017 - 8:44am / Post ID: #

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Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn History & Civil Business Politics

DOJ warned the Trump administration that Michael Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, reports say

Sally Yates, the former acting attorney general who was fired by President Trump in late January, warned the White House that national security adviser Michael Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail and was misleading about his interactions with Russia's ambassador, The Washington Post and CNN reported Monday night. Ref. USAToday.

14th Feb, 2017 - 8:50am / Post ID: #

Flynn Michael Gen Lt Army

Michael Flynn has resigned, as he ought to, and its the first major turning point in the Trump administration, now he has to look for a new national security adviser.

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 17 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 1.7%

14th Feb, 2017 - 3:05pm / Post ID: #

Flynn Michael Gen Lt Army

Immigrants will probably look at this as poetic justice. Its not a good way to go out because he is also a public speaker and I can't see him getting many jobs now.

International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 87 ActivistPoliticianJunior Politician 8.7%

16th Feb, 2017 - 3:30am / Post ID: #

Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn

For me everyone who was someone in the Trump administration know what Flynn was tasked to do and he was just doing his job. Now his last job was to be a scapegoat.

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 12 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 1.2%

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Post Date: 16th Feb, 2017 - 1:28pm / Post ID: #

Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
A Friend

Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn

I knew him when he was a Major General in Afghanistan. He was a good man doing a hard job in an unforgiving environment. Everything he did back then was to try and make life better for the guys and gals on the front line and to help the US achieve a speedy victory. Some of the things he did were dangerous for his career, but they were the right thing to do so he did them anyway.

I think he thought he was doing the right thing this time too. I don't think he's being made a scapegoat, I think he's being crucified in the press and by the Democrats because that is the atmosphere in DC. They all lie, by all I mean both sides of the aisle, and they all will sacrifice another person's reputation if it earns them any political capital. Take what Harry Reid did on the Senate floor when he blatantly lied about Mitt Romney not paying taxes for years. He assassinated Romney's character at a time when Romney was actually surging against President Obama… although Romney was flawed as a candidate and that 47% remark was his kiss of death. Years afterwards a reporter asked him about it and he said he was proud of that and he'd do it again because it worked. He was proud of character assassination.

So, now it is Mike Flynn's turn to have his character assassinated. Who wouldn't expect an incoming administration to talk with leaders from around the world? Do I like this warming with Russia, not so much. I think we'll get egg in our face yet again, just like the two administrations before this one. But I think this administration has the right to try and talking to people in foreign governments while you are trying to help set up an administration is simply a smart decision.

For me, I'd like to know who leaked SIGINT to the press. SIGINT is some of our most important intelligence and leaking it tells our adversaries about our sources and methods. Someone decided it would be a good idea to give away some of our most critical capabilities for political gain, and that is bad. Another example of putting politics over country.

Post Date: 16th Feb, 2017 - 11:31pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn Politics Business Civil & History

The FBI is not expected to pursue any charges against former national security adviser Michael Flynn regarding a phone call with Russia's ambassador, law enforcement officials say.

Flynn was fired by President Donald Trump earlier this week after it was revealed that he withheld information from Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations with Sergey Kislyak, Russia's ambassador to the United States.

Flynn initially told investigators sanctions were not discussed. But FBI agents challenged him, asking if he was certain that was his answer. He said he didn't remember. Investigators don't believe he was intentionally misleading them, the officials say. Ref. CNN.

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