Poljen frowns at Onwen. "The have set siege against the fort, but they continue to grab the other people. They are setting siege to keep us in while they take captives, and maybe pillage homes. No doubt they will find the people at the chapel tempting. We must free them. If you don't think you can help without a rest, stay here. Go find Cratol. But I for one will go forth. And Targul, we should only engage if we have to, or we are sure we can do so without alerting others. Because we need to keep this tunnel a secret from the enemy. So as much as I love a fight, stealth must take priority." He steps to the entrance and waits to see how the others choose.
Onwen shrugs at Poljen "Alright" he says nonchalantly "We go to the chapel then. Cratol can find his way back on his own, and I will do what I can but… " he trails off having decided that it would be redundant to advise the party again about his weakened state. Onwen grinds his teeth in frustration and shakes his head; he thinks about the fuss that members of the group raised concerning loyalties and concern about other members not placing priority on the well being of the group; yet here they are willing to leave a man behind hypocrites he think to himself but says nothing.
Geoffroy, who had been keeping quiet, speaks up to say, "I shall look for Cratol, and then return to help each of you at the temple if our aid is still needed there. I do not believe we should leave our companion by himself with the danger about." The cleric felt concern, being by oneself is not something he would want for anyone with the enemy beyond the gate.
Cratol finds the skeleton of some great serpent lying near the far shore. Nearby is another tunnel, it is relatively narrow, and goes down at a fairly sharp angle. Going down without the use of another rope would be quite risky. Aside from the sealed passage, it would appear to be the only usable exit aside from the direction you came.
The monk can hear a loud buzzing noise from somewhere above him. Some manner of large insect seems to be flying around up there.
Tallis turns to her men, "Tolman, you've had your share of experience with caves. Go help them find their companion." The halfling salutes and walks off with his dog as Tallis turns back to the rest of the group. "We're coming with you, that temple is sturdy, but it was never made for an assault."
Geoffroy, Tolman, and Nyzahr return to the last place the bard saw Cratol, the spider's nest. One of them is peeking out when they approach, but retreats at the sight of the tiefling. There's no sign of the monk, or of a struggle.
Lia looks around at the others. " I never said he should be left alone. I even mentioned who I thought should go look for him. My point was for in the future. That way everyone knows the situation. They will know if they go off by themselves and not tell anyone it is on them to get back. That is selfish behavior that has a negative effect on our actual mission. If we are going to be a group then let's act like it. "
Lia looks over at Cahleth, Targul and Poljen. " Lets go shall we. We actually might have a chance with this. Even Poljen is talking sense. I feel like I might be getting through to him. " She winks at him. Edited: Kyrroeth on 20th Mar, 2017 - 5:50am
Poljen stares at Lia, then blinks a couple of time. Then he turns to Cahleth. "If Lia is agreeing with me, then maybe it is not a good idea." His solemn expression only lasts a brief moment before he grins at all of them. "Or it means it is the best course of action. Come!" He steps outside and brings up his spyglass to survey the area. It would be best if they knew where some of the enemy patrols were heading…
Targul readies his sword with a grin, "Now we're talking!"
Targul will start leading the party towards the chapel being careful to keep an eye out for the enemy.