Once they are back from the temple, Poljen makes sure they are unobserved and says, "Let's go!" He will be the rear guard as they group quickly makes its way to the tunnel. While sorry they have done no damage to the enemy (He considers kobolds a mere nuisance), he is pleased they have rescued many. And the enemy wasted much time on the chapel. Assuming they reach the safety of the tunnel and it is closed behind them he says, "Now we must begin planning more raids. We should ask the town leader and Sir Onthar if there are any other groups needing to be rescued."
Out of Character: : He is still unaware of any immediate danger in the cavern.
Now that there appears to be second to breath, Fay looks at the barbarian, Elf, and others and says, "I would come with you. 'Tis me obligation to protect these folk. In way of introduction, I am Faevalor Baronsson come of late here on my way elsewhere, when… this happened. Let us leave the rest of introductions for later." With eagerness in his voice he asks, "What is our plan? There are too many not to have a sound plan. Meh father always told me planning was liken to a cornerstone of a well built structure, without it no campaign would stand."
Poljen listens to the bard, his face displaying obvious confusion. Whether it is at the bard's attitude, or simply the man's words is unknown, as he says nothing, but instead looks to Cahleth, Lia and Targul, his eyebrows raised. He finally asks, "Did you understand all of that? I only got a few of his words… "
"I don't think he's speaking common." The half orc says as he pokes Fay in the shoulder inquisitively.
"But, I did hear something about a plan. And, as for me, I plan to win" Targul says enthusiastically.
Lia laughs hearing the three of them. " You had it right Targul. He basically asked if we had a plan. " She looked to the bard. " Faevalor is it. I am Lia Galanodel or Moonwhisper in your tongue. Your dialect seems familiar. Where are you from? "
After this she will explain the situation to him. " We were recruited to help this city. A certain group had a feeling it would be attacked so we were hired to come here. At the current time we have no other plan. We are all trapped in the fort. All we knew at this time was to save the people in the temple. " She pauses for a moment. " A paladin named Sir Onthar is our field leader. We need to seek him out in the fort and see what he would have us do next. You are more than welcome to accompany us." Edited: Kyrroeth on 23rd Mar, 2017 - 1:26pm
As Poljen and Targul try to parse Fay's words, and Lia explains the situation to the bard, a hostile group comes running up along a parallel path from the direction of the temple. They are mostly light cavalry, accompanied by a collection of apparently tame drakes. Source 5s
The group is not far from the tunnel entrance, but are exposed, it takes the enemy only moments to spot them. Their leader, a rather brutish looking dwarf wearing scaled hide, yells at a kobold to go report your position. Said minion turns and starts racing off on a Giant Weasel back the way they came as the rest start to charge at you.
[Tactical situation: Current distance between you and the enemy is ~150 feet. 6 mounted kobolds, one of whom is starting to run off and report. 4 medium sized drakes, who are running just behind the others. 6 medium sized humanoids on horses, most of whom are discarding catchpoles for lances. This last group includes the dwarf, who is idling behind the fore slightly, he looks like he may be preparing to cast a spell of some kind.]
[The ground in between you and the hostiles is open, flat, and clear. However, there are two houses to the right and left of their path that you could reach with about 40 feet of movement that could provide cover, or at least break up the momentum of the incoming charge. Bless is still active for those who were in the temple before, but will end in 2 rounds.]
[In regards to keeping the tunnel a secret, the tail end of the refugees from the temple can be seen hurrying away by your foe, but their specific destination is not clear, and the tunnel is not visible from this position.]
Fay looks at the two with a lopsided grin and says, "My name is Faevalor Baronsson. Most people call me Fay. There are a lot of enemies out there. Let us come up with a plan. Then we'll follow that plan so we can kill them." He looks at Targul, "Sadly, it needs a bit more detail than your plan. But your plan is an excellent start point." I definitely like these two, Fay thinks to himself.
Poljen sees the enemy and the situation. He says firmly, "We must protect them all! Move to cover! If they try to get by us we must stop them. Hyah!" He dashes towards the house on their left for cover, readying his pike for any that come around the corner.
Out of Character: : Bonus Action to Rage, the movement towards the house. Correct me if I am wrong, but if he uses his Action for more movement, he could not attack if any of the enemy comes into range, save for a possible Attack of Opportunity, right? He can't do his Bonus move, since he needed to Rage to have it available… unless I have something wrong in that assessment, he will move 30 feet in the direction of cover, pike ready for an AoO. I will roll if it is called for. For now, only Initiative. Edited: PaulNelson on 23rd Mar, 2017 - 1:41pm