"We do not even know who these two camps are, we should not go on the offensive without more information first," Geoffroy says with a slight frown, actually surprised with his words. Often, he and Lia agrred on many things but it would seem in this case he could not.
"Attacking the Northern camp could make sense, especially if it is found they are heading towards us. Yet at this time the Southern camp has shown no aggression towards us nor do they yet know we are here," Perhaps Geoffroy was missing something, but he felt it too soon to act rashly.
Let me pray to Lathander for guidance on this issue," With such, the Morninglord steps away if but for a moment as he knelt and closed his eyes asking for guidance. Thus, the cleric would cast augury in seeking a proper course. Should they attack either side? Should they wait?
Edited: Thomaslee on 11th Jan, 2017 - 4:49am
Lia looks at Geoffroy with a frown. " We are pretty sure that a previous party was destroyed coming here from what evidence we had. From what the familiars reported the camps are pretty similar in makeup. We know the northern camp is unfriendly. What are the odds of another neutral or friendly camp being in the same area? I say none at all. There is no reason for another camp here except for ambush. Any other friendly or neutral group would be either heading toward Greenest or away as quickly as possible. They wouldn't be camped here in the middle of the day. These camps aren't miles apart. They are hundreds of yards apart. If the southern camp was friendly they would have been attacked by the other group. I don't believe in the coincidence of a group being camped on each side of the road but only one being dedicated to our harm. This is an ambush site. " Lia walks a short distance away in frustration. She is frustrated that any chance the group has to take initiative in this fight is being wasted debating.
Hearing the dwarf speak Lia returns to the group. " Blackjack speaks truth. We are about to be attacked by overwhelming force while debating niceties. Something needs to be done now. The familiars reported that they have wagons. The wagons are from the other groups like us that have been slaughtered. "
Edited: Kyrroeth on 11th Jan, 2017 - 5:07am
Geoffroy barely begins the process when he notices it isn't working, the energy gathered immediately dissipates.
It is Blackjack, the Flaming fists leader who speaks up next, "Oy! Jessie! Cease talkin mince. Ye've seen the blood, they're in place to ambush travelers, have already attacked yer mate, and have a bloody mountain of bodies stacked up like kindling. Does this speak of peaceful intentions to ye? I'm not about to catch an arrow because yer still ponderin the ethics of it all."
He sighs, before admitting, "Fair enough." Geoffroy still felt something was missing though. Sure, what was said made sense enough but he did feel some additional information might be needed. In this case, his concerns would need to be put aside, as it seems no one yet had voiced agreement to what he had said.
Looking to his companions, as well the others, he says, "I feel we should focus our attention on the Northern Camp for now, better to deal with those that know we are here first before going after the others. If we attack the Southern Camp, the Northern might attacks us from behind." The Morninglord felt this at least might be good reasoning, and could lead to better results.
OOCC I'm going to bed.
Edited: Thomaslee on 11th Jan, 2017 - 5:11am
Poljen asks Frel,"Was the one crossing road heading from north to south, or south to north? This is important! If going north to south, then the south camp is totally unaware of us. We can send Cahleth, Sar'ai, and other sneaky types into the trees ready to flank, or we send all the Blaze into he woods and ambush them, though they know Cahleth escaped and might be ready. I for one suggest we meet them as far from road, and thus their allies to the south, as possible. Who's with me?"
Frel says, "Eh? Oh he was coming down from the north, can't say for sure what he was about, but I figured it was safer to drop him."
At this time, Sir Onthar breaks his silence, "Under the circumstances, I believe the plan proposed by miss Sarai holds the greatest merit. If the members of the Blaze are willing, I would like them to enter the forest and swing wide. I will take the others along the path and try to goad them into giving us their full attention. You can then hit them from behind and be the hammer to our anvil."
"Our foe seem to be stuck relying on footmen for scouts, that gives you the advantage, use Elanna to position yourselves. Also, here."
The paladin reaches into his saddlebag and retrieves a pair of rune marked stones, "These will let us talk… come to think of it, I'd better check first", he starts fiddling with the stones, but apparently is unable to make them work. He sighs and stows them back in his pack, "Just use your best judgment."
Edited: daishain on 11th Jan, 2017 - 5:43am