Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 216 of 1199

Out of Character: give me two Persuasion rolls - Page 216 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 30th Apr, 2017 - 10:23pm

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Post Date: 30th Apr, 2017 - 1:25am / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 216

No prisoners come forward. Fay looks at them and smiles grimly. Fay walks over to a group of townsfolk, "I be bringing a prisoner here. He and his friends without are responsible for what is happening here. We need to know why this is happening. They all need persuading that they need to fear us. Now, I don't want ye to kill him, we need him to talk… but I do think ye can find other ways to persuade him… and bruises heal. While 'talking' to him, I need ye to mob around him so the rest of the prisoners can no see him. Then drag him off quickly so it grows quiet. Someone yell to me, He's dead, bring us another. We'll see if our little play can get some of them to fear us since the death we be dealing is here and that which they currently fear is far removed."

He looks at Velon, "Can you stay with the crowd and make sure they don't kill him by accident or no? And perhaps you can help with this little bit of theatre I have contrived."

Fay goes over to one of the prisoners, still bound with his hands behind his back, a gag in his mouth, and his feet bound. He grabs him roughly by the collar of his shirt and drag/carries him to the group of villagers I just spoke to and throw him at their feet. "Have at him"

Fay walks back to the other prisoners, "Tis a shame your friend will die this night. It will be a slow death too methinks, beaten to death by these people you meant to enslave. Now, I can stop this…if ye were just to answer meh questions. Elsewise, you be next, and you be after." Fay points at two prisoners at random to make the threat real.

Attached Image Edited: Abnninja on 30th Apr, 2017 - 1:35am

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30th Apr, 2017 - 1:03pm / Post ID: #
Zarra Glannath
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Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

The Quiet Shadow says...

"You did what! When was this," Geoffroy exclaimed a bit too loudly, but then worked to lower his a voice.

His sister's hesitation to go into detail with how she had been involved led one of the prisoners to mention that she'd been there too help rescue them, not realizing the trouble this would put her in, had been part of the volunteers.

The cleric was not pleased and for just a moment had allowed himself to become a bit too angry, which led to the outburst. To find out that Elyria had not follow his instructions but put herself at risk during the fighting had upset him.

"I told you to stay in the cave," Geoffroy says to her, before continuing, "We were handling situation."

"Well I wanted to help," Elyria shot back, defending herself, "I didn't want to sit in the cave hoping for the best, doing nothing."

"That wasn't your responsibility," the cleric said to his sister, before adding, "You were to keep safe, not be reckless and act behind my back."

Despite Geoffroy's best efforts to keep things down though, many of the Silver Blaze and perhaps others might be able to hear the heated discussion going on between siblings.

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 30th Apr, 2017 - 1:16pm

Post Date: 30th Apr, 2017 - 1:09pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Hearing the outburst and the way things are heating up Cratol steps between them. HE looks at Geoffroy for a bit and then turns around and leads Elyria away and over back by the door. HE will motion Goeffroy to head back to calm down.

Post Date: 30th Apr, 2017 - 2:55pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Page 216 Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

"I am well Fay, but I fear for those you have rescued and those we have yet to rescue. I know many of you are exhausted from your efforts as well. Yes I will ensure these folk do not harm the prisoner too badly, healing him if I must. Unfortunately it is necessary, as we must know what they want to form a proper strategy. I'm glad you don't truly want to start killing prisoners, at least."

Post Date: 30th Apr, 2017 - 4:31pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

People gather around. They seem reluctant to play their part, but then someone gives the man a kick, then another. Many join in eagerly now, finally having some means of venting their frustration, anger, and fear.

It starts turning ugly as a woman somewhere in the crowd starts demanding the location of her daughter, never mind that the man is gagged and unable to answer. Velon quickly realizes they might literally tear this man apart if he doesn't step in.

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 30th Apr, 2017 - 9:49pm

Post Date: 30th Apr, 2017 - 10:04pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread

Corren strides over to Geoffroy and speaks. "Calm down! First, the locals don't need to see us yelling at each other, even though she's your responsibility. Second, she needs to follow her own instincts if she's ever to learn anything on her own. I know she's your kin, and you wish her safe. But she is her own person. Try reasoning with her, rather than just telling what to do and when to do it. She's clever, and unlikely to take unnecessary risks. After all, that's my job."

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Post Date: 30th Apr, 2017 - 10:18pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 216

Velon pushes his way to the prisoner, kneeling over him and providing protection. He removes the gag and says to the man "I can't help you if you don't talk. Why this attack? What do they want?"

He swats away anyone trying to further harm the prisoner.

Out of Combat: Not sure if there are any rolls needed for this, Daishain.

Post Date: 30th Apr, 2017 - 10:23pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 216

Out of Character: give me two Persuasion rolls Velon, one to convince the angry mob not to drag you off and resume the beating, and the other to convince the guy to talk. The latter will be easier than the former.

> TOPIC: Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread


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