Round Eight
Cratol puts on a burst of speed, and makes it up the ledge at the same time as Lia. Lia for her part starts running into the tunnel. Fay uses Dissonance again, and in response the Stalker puts on a burst of speed of its own, disappearing around a bend.
The Stalker keeps moving, and then flings Poljen to the side. The warrior crashes into a large web, and is quickly bound there as more strands of thick webbing are haphazardly flung over him.
Onwen blindly directs the dancing lights forward, they move to the bend and stop at the wall, illuminating the passage to the right.
Velon dashes after the Stalker, but is unable to catch up just yet. As he turns the bend, he can see that the passage forks. Sound and light emanate from the left fork, indicating Poljen at least is that way.
Poljen finds himself mostly upside down and immobile. To make matters worse, his sword landed almost a pace away. He can see the Stalker turn around and crouch down near a corner in the passage.
[No damage to Poljen this time, but he'll need to pass a tough Athletics check to get out of that web.]
Nyzahr arrives at the entrance of a large cavern, the sound of a horse behind her proves to be Geoffroy, galloping up. They see a large mass of eggs on the far side of the cavern, lit by a large glowing and floating orb. Onwen is the only group member visible, he is facing you, but focused on something up above. You can hear shouting in that direction. Edited: daishain on 5th Jun, 2017 - 10:45pm
Nyzahr takes a moment to take in her surroundings. She is tempted to send one of her mental images towards Onwen and inquire on the situation but hesitates when she sees he seems to be concentrating on a spell…
She's also noticing many of the eggs have been smashed and there is a mewling sound coming from one of them.
She makes her way towards the broken shell the crying seems to be coming from, all the while keeping an eye on Onwen and the entrance of the cave on the upper ledge.
Out of Character: any chance she can communicate with the necromancer without risking breaking his concentration ?
. Edited: AshDrunbar on 5th Jun, 2017 - 5:24pm
Considering the situation, and having concern for the lives of his companions, the Morningliege will look up to try and see what Onwen's attention is drawn to. As he does this, Geoffroy feels light begin to grow within his hand as he calls upon Lathander's light in casting the spell Scorching Ray as he offers a prayer of thanks for the power given to him.
If Geoffroy is able to see the creature moving forward, or perhaps more when he does see it on getting closer, he will send off the to hit the Stalker with the three burning rays that will shot from his hand to hopefully case harm to it and draw its attention away from his companions calling, "May the bless fires of Lathander's Light shine true and straight!"
Specific Action: Geoffroy will cast the spell Scorching Ray when the Stalker comes into sight and range, hopefully distracting and harm. Edited: Thomaslee on 5th Jun, 2017 - 7:08pm
Velon moves the the fork, taking cover against the wall, and looks left. He is thankful that there is light so that he does not lose Poljen or the beast. He spots Poljen but also the beast, exclaiming "Damn" as he cannot assist or heal Poljen this turn due to the distance and the threat of the beast. He snarls and unleashes a firebolt at this horror of Tiamat, and then uses his remaining movement to take cover at the corner of the fork.
Out of character: Thanks for the movement boost instead of attack last turn Daishain, and the clarification on current distances!
Almost forgot Bless again! Going to have to track rounds on that soon if the beast is still up.
Lia is still cursing bitterly as she runs along. " That damn fool is going to get himself killed. " She races full speed ahead after the others.
Out of Character: : She will use her dash move. She has the extra wood elf speed as well. Edited: Kyrroeth on 5th Jun, 2017 - 7:15pm
Poljen is still snarling and spitting as he calls out, "It is hiding in the shadows, to your right as you enter the cave!"* He is glad his torch stone gives off some light for any coming to his aid. He thrashes as he attempts to free an arm to grab at the other blade he still possesses.
*If the beast is on the left as you enter, that is what he will say…
"Amillë, no, take care" Fay yells to Lia, but too late. She is already gone, running towards the beast. He races ahead as fast as he can after Lia. He thinks to himself, "They call me foolish but some fool of a barbarian endangers me mother, and the rest of the group too, through poor choices while Cratol plays child's games with eggs."
Cratol looks around the corner into the passageway the monster went into not seeing it he will offer to help Onwen up so he can continue moving. He will also assist Geoffroy up so he can head that way too. HE has not much he can do range wise against the monster. If Nyzhar want help up he will assist her too.