Fay sighs and calmly looks at Velon, "Nay Velon, I be no prince. And, you are correct and not. The last time this party went down and your master Poljen's mind was addled by a spell I did not have time to fret, rather I disposed of the mage while the true fighters fell. You would know that except you were bound like a cur waiting execution. Your salvation may not have happened save for my actions. I ask for no thanks, not from any and especially not ye. What I did I did for the good of all. What you do is strictly for you. Your prejudice shows by calling me Elf Boy. You blaspheme my mother's people? You act as a child so I have no more time for ye. Now, scurry off with thee and curry favor with yer master."
Out of Character: I spent 22 years in the Army Cinder. My hide is thick and I'm hard as woodpecker lips. It takes more than that to get me. Plus, this is a game and this is in character. And Fay managed to stay calm throughout! Now, that is the amazing part… he has a bit of a temper.
"Enough," Geoffroy says in in a tone that he hadn't ever taken with his companions before, his frustration clear on his features as he looks disapproving at those most involved before continuing, "Did I not ask that we wait until we got outside, have a moment to cool our heads? I do not want to hear this squabbling."
Looking to Fay he says in an sympathetic tone, "I understand that you and Lia have only just recently been reunited, and that you are upset at how closely she came to death. Yet you need to calm yourself and consider your words." Geoffroy sighs, before gaining a look of disappointment when he looks to the others as he wonders how the single battle could have caused so much damage and ill feelings.
Turning is attention to those also involved such as, Velon and Cratol, he says, "Whether one is new or not does not mean their concern has to be dismissed, nor insults that could be seen more insensitive such as elf boy and princeling, especially not after the big scare of almost losing his mother. Please lets not resort to this." He wonders what may be done to fix all this and not have it devolve into anything worse then it now was before looking to Fay again.
"Though it may surprise, or you may not even believe it to be true, your mother and the rest of us have actually travel together for quite some time. We've seen battles, we have seen danger, we've had to experience trials together," The Morningleige begins to say first toward Fay but looking to the others, deciding that perhaps many of those there need to be reminded of what it meant to be a Silver Blaze. Continuing he offers, "We are supposed to be companions, friends even. We of the Silver Blaze are those of us who've travel together long and know each other well and would give our lives for each other… At least we should know each other."
Looking to each of his companions and turn, those officially of the Silver Blaze especially, "I fear that many have forgotten." Geoffroy's concern and displeasure were both clear on his face.
Out of Character: Okay, some are very much getting upset with how things are going. I think we should find a way of ending this inter-party conflict. It isn't something a couple are considering fun and we shouldn't push this any farther. Edited: Thomaslee on 8th Jun, 2017 - 6:58pm
Poljen finally snaps. Everyone can tell that if he were not so exhausted and sore he might slip into his battle madness state. "ENOUGH! Geoffroy is speaking wisdom, which may be more rare than me speaking wisdom. Everyone, outside. I want us where all of us can speak together. And that includes Cratol, who wandered off on his own again." The barbarian from the mountains shepherds the group outside, including shushing anyone who begins to speak about the situation. Once more in the sunlight, he calls out, "Cratol! Come this way! Blaze business to discuss. Tallis, please make sure these fine folk give us some privacy, please." Once the monk has joined them, and they are far enough away from the freed prisoners, he begins pacing, still fuming. After a few moments, he finally begins to speak.
"I did not ask to lead the Silver Blaze. We have always made big decisions as a group. 'Do we go to Baldur's Gate or Waterdeep for adventure?' That is for us all to chime in on. But in battle we need a tactical leader, and I think Cahleth was best suited for that. Alas he is no longer with us. But of the rest of us, I trust myself most in those situations to make the right decisions. So I began leading, and it seemed to be working out." He turns to Fay. "You spoke harshly to me back there, and you were mad about your mother's condition. I don't fault your feelings. I forgive you those words. But listen carefully." Once more addressing the entire group he says, "Yes, I charged that beast, because it is how I do my job as best I can. That job is to complete the mission while keeping the Silver Blaze as safe as possible. Once I was engaged with that thing, did anyone else suffer blows or acid from it? Not as long as it held me. I charge the enemy, because I am most effective when I am in among them, right in their faces, killing them. Fay, I did not expect your mother to follow me once the beast fled into its tunnel, which your magic seemed to cause, by the way. But neither did it surprise me when she did. Because that is what the Blaze does. We keep each other alive, and win the day. If she had not followed, I would have fought free while it kept waiting, and maybe died or killed it. Others also followed. It no longer matters. I did not think it would retreat with me. That is on me. But I would do it again, since it was the right thing to do at that moment. She did what she felt was right, and while she is again angry with me, (Or is it STILL angry with me?), I am glad she did." He pauses, then says, "As we followed this army, Fay, you kept urging us to attack somehow, and I kept saying no. We would have been wiped out, or driven off. You were not happy. Then we watched them set camp, and found they would be leaving again soon. You told me I had been right, and gave me kind words. Now your mother falls in battle and once again you berate me. You are brave, stalwart, a very capable fighter, one I will gladly accept into the Blaze. But you always react on your immediate emotion. I told you before you need to consider the outcome if you are wrong, but I do not believe you have learned that lesson yet. Every decision I make I worry I am making the wrong one. But I commit to it."
He turns to Lia. "Everyone one of us believes this enemy is evil, and we should do what we can to stop them. So we were making sure we had cleared this cavern of any resources they might use. I do not wish to leave things here for them, when we are gone. I assume we will either chase the caravan or once more track the army. That is why we kept searching. And your son and your charge, Mari, were helping crush the eggs when the attack began. Again, a group effort. Once that beast attacked, if we were to withdraw and rest, the caravan and the army would get that much farther ahead of us. I knew we could defeat it, so fight it we did. I make no apologies for that decision. And again thank you for healing me more than normal, and coming after me. The Silver Blaze would not exist without you. Not for long, certainly." He gives her a slight bow. "But I fear as a leader you err too much on the side of caution. You claim I always want to attack. But I only want to attack when I feel we have a good chance of winning, and surviving. Despite what some may think, I do not desire to die. It will find me someday, and when it does I hope it is a good death. But I do not seek it out. Saving the lives of the Blaze would be good enough." He turns to the monk. "Cratol, normally you fight well. Today, once your ploy to draw the creature down was obviously not working, I expected you to join the fray. None of us can climb a wall such as that better than you. I expect next time you will join in sooner. Oh, and whatever you found on that body in there, put it in front of the group. I am tired of too many people finding coin and treasure and not sharing it with the group. Sar'ai was notorious for that. Onwen, well, sometimes he spends too much time examining his findings but I believe he usually shows off what he has found. And I still feel your attacking from the clifftop when our not being found out was reckless, especially when you did not tell us about it. You endangered us all, and our plans. Do not do it again."
Addressing the group again he says,"I had hoped to have this whole discussion somewhere away from danger, Greenest, or whatever town we go to next, but here we are. I feel we need to vote on some new members for the Silver Blaze. I would gladly accept Fay, as I already said. Velon also has quickly proven himself capable, and I would accept him." He glances at Nyzahr. "You, I still do not know, nor do I trust you. I will not say you can not travel with us, if you wish to, and if you wish to prove yourself and become a member of our group. But not today." He sighs and rubs his face. "And once we decide on who is an actual member of the Silver Blaze, we can decide who is to be our leader, at least in battle. I still wish someone else was better for the position, but at this moment, I do not think any of the others will do a better job than myself. But I am only one vote." He pauses, his brow furrowing as he obviously is trying to make sure he has said everything he wishes. "There. I have never spoken so much in my life. Possibly all together I have not spoken this much before. I now wish to hear from you all." He sits down on a large rock, prepared to hear much criticism.
Out of Character: : I hope I got everything in I planned for. Edited: PaulNelson on 8th Jun, 2017 - 6:26pm
Cratol shows you the backpack. "This is like a bag of holding I have heard about and contains many musical instruments. I had planned on selling the instruments that the bards do not want to be split among the group. Other than that nothing special is in it. I know one pouch is ripped and not functional. If you want the contents that is fine by me. I would like the backpack and will pay with my own funds to get the other pouch repaired. As far as members joining I have no issues with Velon as he has proved himself. I do have issues with Faevalor as he is like a torn in the side and is always questioning our motives no matter what we do. I feel he needs to prove himself much more without whining like a spoiled brat. I would vote more for Nyzahr right now before him."
Velon did not intend to be one of the first to speak, but he eventually speaks up, hesitantly at first.
"I apologize for my words to Fay in the cave." He looks at Fay, "We would not have survived the stalker without you."
He continues to speak to the group. "I am not a member of the Blaze, but I have learned a good deal about you since you rescued the prisoners in Greenest. Together you took down a dragon and saved the entire city. More than once I've seen you rescue dozens of innocent prisoners. Each of you has also proven to be particularly skilled. You are all very different and take different approaches to each problem, but I choose you over what I've seen in the past. I was once in an army far from here. I do not know if our leaders were good men, and most often I did not know why we did what we did. Worst of all, I fear the men I killed were likely better men than I. With you, I know our deeds are right. I choose any of you to follow in this over those I have followed before. At least I know you are good and just. We still have a lot to do to help these people and stop this army, and together you are their best chance despite these conflicts."
Lia glares at some of the others with what they say. She waits for everyone to cease speaking. Clearing her throat she begins. " We must all remember who the true enemy is. Tiamat threatens us all. We have done much to hurt their plans thus far. There are 100 freed men and women over there that need to go to safety. We sit hurling insults at each other. "
She looks at Velon and Cratol. " Fay isn't perfect. He is a young man. He is concerned for me. I did almost die earlier along with Poljen. I dare say any of you would have the same reaction that he did. I will not tolerate any more name calling towards him. Princeling? Elfling? " She looks at Velon. " Somehow I feel that is an insult to me. " She shakes her head and moves on. " If anyone feels that he is too big of a nuisance and you wish him gone then that's fine. He and I will depart immediately. "
" I feel as Poljen does. Fay and Velon have proven themselves and should be admitted into the SIlver Blaze. Nyzahr however has not proven herself trustworthy in any way. As for leader… I care not who it is. Half the group won't listen to whoever it is anyways. I have chastened some of you regarding your behavior that doesn't make the Silver Blaze stronger but weakens it. At this point, you will either work as a team or you won't. I care not. I'm not going to add one more ounce of stress to my life worrying about it. I'll leave that up to the leader. " She walks over to the freed prisoners and checks on them.
Out of Character: : Lia has always wanted to make the group stronger. She is a healer cleric and it came naturally to her. I never meant for her personality to go where it did. Originally I intended for her to be a flirtatious cleric of Sune who wasn't taken that seriously. However, about half the group made characters that are loners that do their own thing. That's why she drifted that way. I hope I haven't offended anyone personally with anything she said or did. It was all in character. I wasn't trying to be a jerk. Normally Lia would have said a lot more in reaction to what was said. People are getting offended and dislike the drama so she is done talking. I will try to move her to being more carefree. That way everyone can play their character as they wish without being possibly offended. Daishain has put in too much work and this game is too much fun to let personality differences get in the way. Let's move on and have fun again! Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Jun, 2017 - 2:10pm
Onwen speaks up for the first time, "Velon and Fay have proven themselves worthy additions. That is if they think they can curb their impulses. Both have much to learn, but that also goes for young Cratol."
Turning his gaze to the monk he says, "If you have a true grievance with Fay, air it. Now would seem to be the time. Otherwise hold your tongue."
Out of Character: I've gone back and forth on having Onwen say something, but I don't think he'd be able to stay silent here. Edited: daishain on 9th Jun, 2017 - 2:50pm