Lia masters herself and steps closer. It does not take her long to figure out what is going on, she has, in a sense, felt it before.
Particularly strong centers of worship often become imbued with a piece of the divine, which has a tangible impact on those around it.
What you're feeling is the presence and influence of Tiamat, or a portion thereof.
The group lacks the means to eliminate her hold on this place entirely, however destroying her symbol should significantly weaken it. There is no guarantee however that the attempt will be safe.
There is also the option of simply leaving it be. Its influence does not extend outside of this room, and Rector Falconmoon of Greenest, among others, should be able to manage the ritual to cleanse the place if given the chance to come here. Edited: daishain on 11th Jun, 2017 - 1:24pm
Poljen tries to build up the fortitude to stay in the room without vomiting up the ale had has recently drunk. He does say, "If we wish this thing destroyed, I will do so… once I am sure I will not lose my lunch. Waiting for Falconmoon means waiting for him to recover, and then travel here."
Geoffroy follows after, actually walking toward the front more, but on walking into the room with the alter finds himself needing to avoid feeling sick and prays to Lathander for strength while in a room feel with so much evil. The Morningliege looks to his companions, see to how they all fair walking in. Edited: Thomaslee on 11th Jun, 2017 - 4:25pm
Lia feels the evil emanating from the figurine. " The presence of Tiamat is strong here due to that. Destroying it would help cleanse this cavern of her presence but poses possible dangers. Who knows what will happened if it is destroyed. It isn't an immediate threat. The presence isn't felt much beyond this room. " She looks to the others.
A bit of a catch up post…
While still outside the cave, Velon accepts his membership into the Blaze with appreciation but little fanfare, recognizing this isn't the time for celebration. He makes sure to thank each member of the Blaze separately in a quieter manner, shaking hands with anyone who will. He makes sure to thank Lia for her healing in the cave and ask how she is feeling now.
He makes sure to find a moment to address Fay as well, hoping he will accept his handshake and telling him that he does appreciate him at his side in combat, and that they will surely be tested in battle together many more times before Tiamat is defeated. He looks forward to it, not for the pleasure of killing, but for the appreciation of working with talented individuals with truly good intentions as they destroy the evils of the world.
If he'll have him, Velon tries to find a moment to speak to Poljen. He expects he is not in the mood for too much talk or levity, but he wants him to know that he would gladly follow his lead into battle any time and that he appreciates him greatly. He is sure they will lead the charge into battle together many more times. He would have spoken up loudly in favor of him as leader as he has done a great job, but it seemed time to let the subject go for now. He risks adding "It is funny how many times you take a staggering blow in battle and no one says a word of it." "I'll be sure to stomp my feet and pout next time you do so that you know you are loved, mighty one." He slaps him on the shoulder and leaves him be.
Velon will otherwise spend a few moments tending his wounds and making any small repairs to his armor that he can for now. He looks at the acid burn on his arms as it takes hold, having exhausted the healing powers granted to him for now. Geofrroy's efforts have helped steady his body and restore his strength for now, at least.
Once inside the cave and altar room, Velon wretches at the feeling in his stomach. He covers his mouth with one arm and bends over a bit, hoping to stave off the sickness. He looks at the altar with one eye open, the other closed in his discomfort. He has not yet seen many depictions of Tiamat such as this, and certainly not an altar projecting Her actual power. He gathers himself enough to focus his Divine Sense and see what he can discern about this place.
Out of character: Rolling two hit dice and the Wisdom save. Thanks Geoffroy for the healing! Using Divine Sense not just to try to detect celestial, fiend, or undead here but more to the latter part of the ability description focused on detecting the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated.
Out of Character: Sure, call it a minute or so of ingame time between attempts.
I should note that the sickened condition is not that debilitating. Think of it like a moderate case of the Flu in terms of its physical impact. Edited: daishain on 11th Jun, 2017 - 5:40pm
Poljen practically growls, "If we leave it, by the time any of us return, with or without Falconmoon, the army might be back. I'm willing to destroy it now. I'd ask everyone else to step out, just in case if blows up."