Lia grins at Poppo ask Poljen. " You two are so helpful. I feel much better now. " She smooths her dress out and winks at them.
Turning to Fay she responds. " The teleportation scroll would be a great thing to have. I don't think that we can really afford it now. After this mission we will probably be able to afford it. I would suggest buying it then. It would be a great thing to have that in our pocket for the direst emergencies. As Poljen said, we have previous experience with undead. Considering half our party is a cleric or a paladin I feel that we couldn't be more suited for this mission. " Lia grins at her son. " Ionneg, this should be exciting for you. More material for ballads. " Edited: Kyrroeth on 16th Jul, 2017 - 2:27am
Mari leaves the meeting room and Silas asks Poppo to reenter.
Once the excitable halfling is settled in, Silas states, "This probably could have been handled in front of the others, but I wished to be sure you were not embarrassed."
"Your presence in this group was not expected, I only had a little time to look into you after Jad made his report. Given what I did find, I am reasonably confident you can be trusted. But unlike the others, I do not know much of what to expect of you."
"And so I must ask. Are you prepared for this? I don't just mean in regards to skill. This group is heading into one of the most dangerous realms on the surface of Faerun. Mastering yourself in the face of that is vital."
"I do not mean to discourage you, merely to ensure your safety and the safety of those you travel with."
Fay looks at Lia, "Exciting… yes. There is nothing I like better than probable suicide quests." He says it with a grin but there is a bit of truth in the way he feels if one were to look closely. "I have all the material I need for balads for years after travelling with this group. I just need a place to settle down to write them."
Then he looks thoughtfully at Lia, "But before then, I want to hurt this group that seeks Tiamat's return. I want to hold them by their neck and choke the life out of them. What I saw and felt when we freed the townspeople was pure evil. I will see that finished or I will die in the attempt… 'tis simple as that."
He get's very serious then, "I have one request of thee Amillë. If aught shoulds't happen to me and I perish, find me pa and tell him I died brave and that I found thee and died the happier for it. Oh, and write a balad for Cratol's exploits and tell him it was one of me dying wishes, I fear he still has hard feelings towards me and I would have that finished.
Offer a nod to the wood elf, Geoffroy says, "Yes, while we can cure disease and poison I was thinking it would eb good to still have a few potions on hand that way we can save out spells for a more important spell." The Morningliege didn't want leave themselves wasting a spell if they didn't have to.
On the teleportation spell he will say, "If the rest of you wish to wait, that is fine. It is quite expensive, though perhaps it might be possible to haggle down the price a bit or see if we could pay for have and then the rest when we return." Admittedly, Geoffroy wasn't sure if the porter wizard would be willing to even discuss such.
Looking to Fay, he says, "We will have time enough to see that they are punished for their crimes and for justice to be met. We will see that Tiamat's followers never see their goddess return to power and bring anymore evil into the world." Geoffroy could understand the half-elf's feelings on the matter, though hoped that he wouldn't allow such passion to become misplaced. Edited: Thomaslee on 16th Jul, 2017 - 7:11am
The cleric answers Geoffroy. " I agree with that Geoffroy. We should keep a handful but we don't need ten or twenty of those potions. "
Lia studies Fay for a moment. " I promise to honor your wishes. Do not speak that way though, Ionneg. Remember, I have the gem and the ability to bring someone back from the dead. The only way that you will die is if I die also. This isn't suicidal. We have faced much worse than this before. "
As she finishes saying this Mari exits the room. The half-elf walks past them stone faced and leaves the common room. Edited: Kyrroeth on 16th Jul, 2017 - 8:01am
Fay looks at Lia and chooses his words carefully, "Tis not bullywugs or undead that worry me. 'Tis stealing from two ancient dragons and not knowing what safeguards be in place. And this after fighting through so our resources may be depleted… and then having to fight our way out, mayhaps with dragons as a tail. 'Tis all taken together. I fear we are looking at this as just undead, just bullywugs, just stealing from not one but two ancient dragons. We need a plan methinks, not just to run in through the pottery shop breaking things as we go. But I know not what plan we need nor even what to plan fer. This worries me greatly."
Oswald chimes in. "Shh." His voice quiets. "Don't speak of the mission in public. Plus, we'll only be stealing from their territory. I believe Silas said they are not at the castle. He also said that they'll be distracted."