Out of Character: To clarify, Jack is pretty sure the noise came down the right hand entry of the intersection ahead. So heading right would take you to where you heard the noise, heading left would put your back to it. Avoiding it entirely would require turning around.
Out of Character: if I understand correctly, it being a 4-ways crossing there's also the option of heading straight on, which would first leave our right flank then our back vulnerable, unless we do something about it, of course.
Question being, how do we organise our strategy without making any noise at all ?
Velon halts and is completely still and silent as he can be with his breathing, watching Jack for signals.
Out of Character: Daishain, how wide are all four passages? (I'm assuming the width of the left and right passages will thus be the distance the group would need to cross to reach the passage directly across the intersection from them.) Also, how's the lighting here?
Out of Character: the room that serves as a crossways is about 30' x 30', and the passages entering it are 20' wide.
Other than the dim light from the occasional glowing fungus, the only light in here is from the torches carried in back. You can pretty much assume that someone waiting for you around the corner has noticed the light cast by your group. Whether or not the actually have eyes on what you are doing is another question.
Fay look at Jack and nods his head, indicating he understands something is there. When Jack ask his unspoken question Fay looks to Poljen and slightly shrugs his shoulders. His eyes and expression say to the big man, you be senior here' 'tis your decision.
He thinks to himself, "We need to put some simple hand and arm signals in place like the scouts of Yartar use. I'll suggest that when next we have time… sadly, 'tis too late now."