Lia listens with an expressionless look on her face for a moment until Cahleth speaks . " So you attacked with no idea you had reinforcements at hand? With three people. That makes it better? Targul was almost killed and Poljen was hurt badly. "
Lia looks at Sar'ai. " There was one guard here. If there had been 10 or 20 bandits here we would not taken things into our own hands. We would have left and brought back help. "
Lia stands up. " We don't need a leader all the time. During dangerous missions and during battle we should though. Otherwise there will be no coordination. It will be everyone just acting on their own. Apparently I'm one of the few that thinks this. I'm not going to worry about it anymore. I've said what I have to say. I'll heal who I can heal and keep as many alive as I can. I need to prepare this service. If you will excuse me. " She walks off and checks that things are in order before heading to the ceremony. As she walks off you can barely hear her mumble something about humans. Edited: Kyrroeth on 26th Jan, 2017 - 4:59pm
Poljen snorts some ale out through his nose when Cahleth puts forth the barbarian's name for leader. He coughs a bit as Lia speaks again. When he finally has his wind back, the says, "Thank you, Cahleth. I am honored. But being brave and staunch is not enough for a leader. I may not be too bright, but I am smart enough to know my weaknesses. As some have said, we mostly need a leader for during fights. And during fights, I, um, tend to focus too much on what is in front of me. Yes, a diplomatic way to say it, eh? I will always offer my ideas before and during fights, but I am not sure I can change ideas when things go to hells. As Sar'ai so kindly pointed out, I am not very subtle." He pauses before adding, "And for now we can designate, ha, I got that one right, a person to be battlefield leader for now, and if we change our minds, we can pick another. Does that work for everyone?"
Onwen's eyebrows arch as Lia storms off "Hmm… awfully impatient for an elf" he jests to the others "But she has a point though, coordination in battle is important. Perhaps one of your gods will deign it an important enough decision to come down from the heavens and give us answer but I doubt it. The gods are too busy with their own affairs to worry about ours so we are forced to make this decision ourselves it would seem."
He looks to Geoffroy "In my experience anyone who claims they hold no secrets tends to be the greatest among liars; the worst are the ones who actually believe the lie of full disclosure themselves, they don't want to admit that we all hold something back… the darkest parts of who we are."
Onwen lets the statement hang for a moment as he stares at his past before continuing "But abstaining from such an important decision is something akin to selfish cowardice as far as I see it. Coordination is needed and someone battle tested should be the one to do it. Their scope of leadership should of course be limited to battle and those situations that call for immediate response, but I think it is necessary to choose. Truth be told Cahleth may have made some risky decisions, but I don't think that they were made without any calculation. He showed initiative and took risks which a leader must be willing to do. Could someone have died as a result of his decisions? Yes, of course but combat always carries with it the risk of death and the best laid plans never survive contact with the enemy. Ultimitely if comes down to this question I think… "
Onwen looks at Geoffroy and then at Cahleth giving each a hard stare "Can you handle the fact that a bad decision that you make may result not in your own death, but in mine or Lia's, Sarai's or any other member of the Blaze? Or will you hold back and hesitate out of fear that our blood will be on your hands? If knowing this makes you hesitate out of fear, then you are not capable of leading… just my opinion of course." Edited: Aericsteele on 26th Jan, 2017 - 10:54pm
Geoffroy frowns at the half drow's accusation, that it was because both were clergy of their faiths that Lia nominate him. Yet he had seen her smile at his words involving what he felt was improtant for a leader leaving him to belief at least in part she agreed with his words. He listened to Onwen, his words suggesting scorn perhaps that he was considered simply because of the nobility of his blood. He considers the word spoken involving where loyalties would be for those so nominated.
Looking to Sar'ai, he speaks to her first with a reproachful tone, “Do you give Lia so little credit as to accuse it is simply because of our shared devotion in our faiths?” Turning to Onwen he adds the question, “Why should it be my status of birth? I know of a farmer who turned against the tyranny of her king, raising up to become a general who lead thousands against their ruler. It is not the nobility of blood but of the soul that can make all the difference.” He sighs, considering how to continue.
On the discussion of loyalties he says, actually giving his support of Cahleth if indirectly, “We do all have our own loyalties. Whether to the Harpers, religion, our beliefs, or to ourself. Yet I would feel that this point, for most of us at least, out loyalty to each other should have grown strong enough not to doubt that whoever is chosen as leader would not betray the Silver Blaze.” There was considerations for such, which he was willing to go into if needed.
On the responsibilities of the one chosen as well the expectations Geoffroy provides his companions, “It is not being suggested that one it chosen to bark orders and decide on every matter. It would largely be that or coordination in battle and organization or strategy in battle. In matters where we are not in danger or quick decision making is required I offer that it would still be discussed and decided among us on what to do.” He did not believe any among their groups would abuse their power, but it seems others were not so sure.
Again, the Morninglord puts emphasis what was said before Cahleth, “The Silver Blaze is about making a difference, to protect others and strike down those who abuse their power, to defend the land from the dangers founds. I did not yet believe any of our personal goals or desires conflict with this, though I do have concern for a at least one.” Really, the cleric was surprised in part the contention this was bringing as well how some bulk so much at their even being a leader.
When the party's fair wood elf left the discussion, Geoffroy considers saying, “It is as she says, we do not need a leader all the time though situations will very well call for such.” On Onwen's words and challenge he continues with the words, “I have nothing more to hide. The truth of who my squire is came out, and we were forthcoming when it was. I have spoken of the impudence and temper of my youth, of how I changed my path as well to my motivations. If you feel there is still secrets yet to be revealed let me know.”
He sighs, the cleric taking a moment to collect himself as well consider Onwen's question, before looking him in the eyes and saying, “How can we hesitate? If we are in a situation where those of the Silver Blaze could die If I did not seek every effort to make sure that doesn't happen… even by putting myself at greater risk. Though I cannot help but wonder what some may have hidden, I do consider each member of the party important and with something to offer. Each of us have our strengths and weakness, each of us have our own path, yet here we stand traveling together.” Goeffroy wondered if his words would hold any impression on Onwen, or if because of his blood or faith the necromancer may brush him off. Edited: Thomaslee on 27th Jan, 2017 - 8:08pm
In responding to Onwen, "We are all capable adventurers here. The leader does not lead an column of lemmings who mindlessly follow orders. The leader does not shepherd sheep, in need of protecting. The leader reads the situation at hand and makes the best calculation possible with the facts he or she has. They cannot be paralyzed by deliberation, nor reckless with their haste. The leader must know the capabilities of each and every one of us, trusting that our abilities and determination will win the day."
"My decision to attack the camp has been derided. I acknowledge it was a gamble. But we went to battle knowing our capabilities. Targul and Poljen are two of the best warriors I have ever seen. They did not second guess or hesitate. I would not have suggested, nor they agreed, to charge into a hopeless situation."
Looking everyone in the eye and switching into a more humble tone of voice, "Every decision is a gamble. We don't have the luxury of knowing outcomes in advance. Having each of you, all of us, working together tips the balance in our favor. We are the wise man's bet."
Lia walks away from the group until she reaches her horse. She takes out her comb, mirror and makeup. The cleric touches up her appearance. Smiling at the end result she calls upon Sune. " My lady, please guide this group. Please grant us continued life. I desire that none of our group should die. We are facing a great evil that despises life. Grant us your power that we persevere and defeat this enemy. Please grant me your calming presence. I need to show love and a smile to all. Forgive me."
Lia smiles feeling calmer now. She goes through the firewood and the accelerants that have been gathered. Satisfied that all is ready she decides to rest. She climbs in a nearby empty wagon and focuses her mind. Lia goes into a trance state.
. Edited: Kyrroeth on 27th Jan, 2017 - 4:05pm
"I see" Onwen says softly "I for one am ill equipped to be in a leadership position not only due to my lack of tactical knowledge but also the fact that I could not handle directing one of my fellows to do something, having it turn out to be a bad decision, and they die as a result. The question I directed to you both was less of a challenge and more of an attempt to make you think about how the death of someone under your charge would affect you and if you truly believe that you are capable of dealing with it. I wasn't suggesting that we are like lemmings, only that a leader must be be able to handle the idea that their decisions may lead to the death of those that they command."
To Geoffroy's statements Onwen replies "Are there secrets? Yes, as I said everyone holds secrets to one degree or another. Now, do those secrets need to be revealed? Not necessarily. What lurks in the darkest recesses of a man is no ones business but his own. And I don't disagree with your position on nobility. It is not ones lineage that truly makes one noble; however, that view is generally the exception rather than the rule; as a result I tend to have a… distaste for the so called nobility."