Karra will focus on using her daggers, to stabbing the creature at weak points while those she fight with distract it. Hoping her blades land true, unlike how she struggled to land a blow before.
Specific Action: Sneak Attack for the next two rounds, hopefully nothing missed or no mistakes with these rolls.
The flames die off of Oswald's hands as they separate and reach for his bow, the words "Verbum sanitatem" rings out as he plucks off an arrow deep into the hole ripped open by Poljen. He then falls to his knee, shielded behind the skiff.
Out of Character: Healing Word cast on Fay, shoot the creature with sneak attack damage.
Edited: Robertreaper on 30th Aug, 2017 - 10:11pm
Jack spits a curse as he sees his bolts sail by the creature as it wreaks havoc amongst his peers.
" Okay, time to switch strategies. Let's see if you can feel the sting of this, you moldy salad… ! "
Dropping his crossbow on the spongy ground, Jack jumps across the discarded skiff and makes a beeline towards the creature, his faithful rapier clutched firmly in hand. As he gets closer to where Fay stands, he dives underneath one of the swinging, clobbering vines and digs wildly into the groaning mass of organic matter.
Out of Character:
Sneak attack with rapier at close range (Jack is pissed off and forgets all tactics at this point, he's just going for -green- blood !)
Help action for Oswald's attack (Use it well !).
Edited: AshDrunbar on 30th Aug, 2017 - 10:51pm
Final Round
The team tears into the creature, hacking off bits of animated vegetation in large chunks. Fay in particular causes grievous harm. Poljen gets in some good strikes as well, but the blows seem less effective than they should.
Eventually, in the midst of trying to engulf Fay like it had Poljen, the thing collapses into the pile of rotting vegetation it resembled before it started moving.
[no damage to the party, I'm somewhat disappointed none besides Poljen used lightning damage, that would have been amusing. :D ]
Edited: daishain on 31st Aug, 2017 - 3:29am
Out of Character: Doesn't lightning add to a shambling mound hit points or make it bigger? Cratol had no lightning to use so all is well on his part *smile*
In Game: Cratol looks around to make sure nothing else is going to try to attack them. Seeing nothing he will head back towards the rear skiff so we can continue heading towards our destination. As he walks past Zarra he will say, "Good job fighting skills. Glad that you are with us".