"Shall we, handsome?" Velon says to Fay. When Fay is ready, Velon will slowly approach the large lizard, shield in hand but sword sheathed.
He says "Greetings" in common but adds "Or do you prefer this way?" in draconic.
Depending on the response, Velon continues "We are adventurers and explorers." "We apologize for disturbing you here. Have other warmbloods been disturbing you recently?"
The man before you cocks his head. He doesn't seem to understand the draconic.
In response to Velon's continued conversation, he says, "You just here explore? You not look mad." He leans in a little closer, studying you with a flat stare. "No, you have goal."
He seems to think for a moment, then nods. "You have goal, we have problem, need strong magic. You help, we help?"
"Yes, we do have a goal, but it is not to bother you, I assure you. We do have strong magic. What is your problem? Yes perhaps we can help, and you can help. I can ask the others to help. I am Velon." Velon gestures towards Fay and back at the others when he mentions their help, if nothing else to see Fay's expression thus far and that the group is calm.
If he has a moment and the range, Velon will also Message Lia privately "So far so good, they want help. By the way, how do you still look so nice in a swamp and with no sleep?"
"I am Snapjaw. Our home that way" He points to the west, "Tribe live there many many generations. Some winters ago, warmbloods came while warriors out fighting. They took home, and females, and younglings. They kill if we not carry things for them through swamp."
"We know way in, secret way, can reach younglings and females first. But there is guard, weapons don't hit right."
"If all they seek is strong magic to help them save their females and younglings, to then have it so they help us in turn, seems like it could very much be to our advantage," Zarra says softly, the drow already considering the possibilities and believing the lizardmen too dimwitted to be trying to pull off a deception so continues, "I say we help them." Edited: Thomaslee on 4th Sep, 2017 - 2:42pm
"Nice to meet you Snapjaw. How far is it? What do the warmbloods look like? What do they make you carry? I will ask them to help. Information will help decide what magic to prepare." Velon gestures towards the others. He wonders if these warmbloods are the cult they seek but does not want to give away too much just yet."
Out of Character: Sorry, I've been so busy with moving I haven't kept good track of the details. What direction were we traveling and/or what direction is the temple versus the westerly direction Snapjaw pointed to? Thx.