Lia looks at Targul as they head towards Greenest. " So, have you recovered from that questionable meat yet? Did you learn your lesson for next time? Lia laughs as she scans the horizon.
The cleric looks at Poljen. " I see you were turned down by our new friend. A shame that. You know that your behavior drives away any quality women that might be interested in you. Your chasing anything that has breath would be a turn off to any woman worth keeping. Something for you to thank about. I'm doing all I can to help you Poljen. " She smiles. She looks back to the road ahead. Lia wishes she could will them to already be in Greenest. Worry and tension will not leave her until they arrive. Edited: Kyrroeth on 3rd Feb, 2017 - 10:53pm
"Cahleth was it? That's not what I meant. It just occurred to me that he might provide lodging at the fort or somewhere else, given the importance of the aid you bring."
Given that he's the only one eating it, Targul should have plenty of the pickled meat left. He already passed his save, so if he kept eating the stuff, his body has adapted to the diet, if not exactly uncomplainingly. Edited: daishain on 3rd Feb, 2017 - 11:15pm
"Yes, I learned my lesson" Targul says to Lia. "Never share!"
As the party rides to Greenest, Targul is ready with his bow and scans the horizon watching for any enemies that may appear.
He listens for a while to the banter between the rest of the party but, for the most part, he focuses on trying to ride better and gauge their position based on the sun in the sky and the time of day. A horse was a far cry from a sea vessel and a darn sight more bumpy. But, it's the best you can do on land when you have to get somewhere quickly.
Onwen spends the time riding behind Nyzahr where possible, studying the strange teifling unsure what to make of her. He finds himself staring intently at her but looking away quickly, pretending to take in his surroundings if she looks back or appears to notice him looking. He is not leering as one might do when they are filled with some sort of sexual desire for another, but ever since the funeral ceremony the mage has found himself fascinated by this creature whose melody somehow managed to tap into the feelings that he has so urgently buried deep within himself and finds himself waiting and hoping that she form another melody even though his external expression remains generally aloof and uninterested aside from the fact that he keeps studying her when she is not looking.
Sar'ai telepathically tells Elanna, who has been riding on her shoulder since they departed the caravan, to set out toward Greenest a few miles then return. The half-drow also will relay to the owl to keep an eye out for other humanoids and try to remember their approximate locations, of any, but to also stay well out of range of any possible missile attacks.
With that, the dark feathered owl stretches her wings and with a single flap is airborne and gains altitude quickly.
Out of Character: so, did some quick math, Elanna can travel, if using the dash action each turn, about 5 miles in around 30 minutes (120 feet per 6 seconds), so it would take about an hour for her to fly that distance and then return. Perhaps add additional time for hovering over a possible place of interest to get a better understanding of what she might see.
I will roll a few perception checks for her for different areas she scouts along the way.
The mages in the group notice that the disturbance of the weave seems to be growing stronger. The difference is subtle, but as the miles pass by, it becomes more prevalent.
Magic is not often that convenient, but if you were speaking of a literal sound, you would say it is either getting louder, or you are getting closer to the source.
In these flat lands, you spot Greenest from miles off, though details are difficult to discern for any not using Poljen's looking glass.
You don't see any signs of trouble from a distance. It looks like any ordinary peaceful day for such a town. Elanna takes over an hour to return, but confirms this, she can see plenty of people moving about in town, but there's no sign of hostile activity.
A small stone fort sits on a hill in the center of the town. A stream meanders through, flowing east to west a little south of the fort. The Temple of Chauntea is a large and beautiful structure of light grey stone, and is located on the eastern side. There's also a curtain wall surrounding the main portion of the town, though it is made of wood, and is not the most solid construction you've seen. Outside the curtain wall are dozens of farms and ranches, most of which spread out to the south and east of the settlement. Edited: daishain on 4th Feb, 2017 - 2:33pm
Lia studies Greenest with a frown visible. " I don't understand. Why is all this effort and manpower being expended here? What is so special about this town? Find that out and we can be on the offensive and not the defensive."
The elven cleric notices Poljen peering at the city through his spyglass. " Are you seeing anything worth mentioning Poljen? Does this town look in the least bit defensible?"