Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 639 of 1199

As Cratol sits up he looks around. "Well - Page 639 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 21st Nov, 2017 - 5:21pm

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Post Date: 21st Nov, 2017 - 5:44am / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 639

Poljen shakes his head. He drags the big body back into its room, intending to look for some sign that will tell him who this fallen foe was.

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21st Nov, 2017 - 12:39pm / Post ID: #
Tazskan Daardendrien
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The Protector. says...

Tazskan, calls out to his psuedodragon Amabalis to come back to the room where he is.

Post Date: 21st Nov, 2017 - 1:43pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Seeing that Cratol and Velon are still down she frowns." Unbelievable", she mutters. She walks to Cratol and pours a healing potion down his throat carefully as to not choke him. Lora watches to see if this has effect. In the event that he regains consciousness. Lora will do the same for Velon.

Attached Image Edited: Kyrroeth on 21st Nov, 2017 - 1:47pm

Post Date: 21st Nov, 2017 - 3:42pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Page 639 Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

All goes quiet in the hall as the bodies are dragged into Rezmir's room. Perhaps those up here are firmly asleep, or just lying low. Either way, no one seems to be trying to engage you or raise the alarm at present.

The barbarian proves to have a large tattoo on his back, one depicting Tiamat. Close investigation shows that it is covering up another one, perhaps of a bear of some kind. If that was a clan marking, this man seems to have cut ties with that life.

Lora manages to secure the blade without touching it. The dark thing practically reeks of menace, but it is unable to bring her further harm. She then moves to Cratol's side, and administers a potion. This close, she can sense a darkness pooling around the monk's wounds. It attacks the healing magic introduced by the potion, destroying it before it can help. However, she also senses that this darkness is itself steadily fading, growing weaker as time passes.

Tazskan calls for his familiar while looking around, but he does not see his gear anywhere in this room. Amabalis returns easily enough, none the worse for wear.

Rezmir was wearing an onyx amulet and an iron ring that seem to bear some manner of enchantment. Much of Rezmir's other belongings have been damaged or outright destroyed by the acid she flung about.

21st Nov, 2017 - 3:47pm / Post ID: #
Zarra Glannath
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The Quiet Shadow says...

Once Velon was healed up, the drow will gesture for the two of them to talk and when they could do so Zarra will provide her thoughts, "The mission was to get the mask, which we now have. Yet there is the risk we could lose it or be defeated if we stay and attempt to take the castle. Even if we can take the guards or random occultists, there is sit a dragon to worry about and possibly some giants… Are you certain that taking the castle is wise?" If that was truly what everyone wanted to do, so be it, but she felt there was reason for concern.

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 21st Nov, 2017 - 3:58pm

Post Date: 21st Nov, 2017 - 4:00pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread

Lawrance moves over to his downed companions, looking with more than simple sight at their forms. "They are enveloped with necrotic energy, Lora. Your healing is being neutralized by it." Placing one hand on Velon and one hand on a nearby chair, he begins channeling the necrotic power into the wood, drawing it out and freeing up the Paladin from it's grasp. After a few seconds, he moves over to the other fallen one and starts the same procedure and says "He should be healable now. I'll use my stored spell on Cratol after I clean him up, also. At some point, when we have time, I ask that you recharge my ring so I have it available."
Specific Action: Using personal channeling to speed up the blocking, then casting Cure Wounds at 3rd slot on Cratol.

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Post Date: 21st Nov, 2017 - 4:02pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread - Page 639

Lora stands back up after examining Cratol." There is dark magic blocking any healing attempts on them. It is fading fast however. I will try again when I feel that the magic is gone. Also, I have a couple of things one of you wizards might like to examine. I found these on her." She holds out the amulet and ring she discovered for them to look at." I have Rezmir's sword safely kept as well. . We can make a fortune selling it to the right people. Did I mention that I know the right people?" She laughs and looks very well pleased.

Hearing Lawrence she smiles." Well done. Of course I will recharge it. It will be good to have them rejoin us." She moves her double to follow close by her as she moves to Velon. Lora administers the healing potion to the paladin.


Attached Image Edited: Kyrroeth on 21st Nov, 2017 - 4:11pm

Post Date: 21st Nov, 2017 - 5:21pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread
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Daishain's 5e D&D RPG Main Thread D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 639

As Cratol sits up he looks around. "Well things appear to have gone or way somewhat. Now that we have the half dragon eliminated are we going to try for the castle? If we start from the high ground and work our way down it should give us some advantage."

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