Lora looks around the room thoughtfully." Yes, this is a tough choice. I still think that while some rest here and safeguard the controls, others should continue eliminating the enemy. I think the easiest way to split us up is by stealth. Velon, you and Zarra need to stay here because of what you carry. Cratol, Poljen and I can continue taking out the crew stealthily while you and the others safeguard this room and the mask. If nothing ekse, the mask must be gotten away." Edited: Kyrroeth on 2nd Dec, 2017 - 5:14pm
Velon looks displeased at Lora's words, saying "I don't like it Lora, but that doesn't mean you are wrong. There are no easy solutions in this place, and what you suggest may be best. What say you on this, Poljen? It still leaves the matter of the fire giants. I also wish we could communicate when split up more easily."
"Lawrance, Poppo, can you take the charge of learning to fly this thing? You can teach Zarra and I once you have it figured out too, if we have time. Zarra, you could once again make a choice and go with Poljen and the others, leaving the mask behind with me, or stay here and rest. You look like you took the brunt of the elemental's punches."
"Tazksan, you could go with Poljen and the others to help and try to find your gear, although stealth may be an issue. Here, you all take the stone once again." He hands the silencing stone necklace to Poljen and looks to him to see if he wants Tazskan's help.
Out of Character: Velon doesn't have any hit die left, so short resting here won't help him at all. I imagine we're running very low on slots. I do have a 3rd level left and couple of 1sts. We'll see how this goes. Unfortunately studying the controls will probably prevent the wizards from resting. Edited: Cinder on 2nd Dec, 2017 - 6:22pm
Cratol speaks up. "If the two sleeping giants are needing to be dealt with them it will take two people to dispatch them at the same time. With everyone else in the area already dealt with we can go dispatch them and then up to the hidden vault and bring stuff back down that we may be able to use. This will help everyone while the rest learn how to control this castle. Slowly steering it off course can help us in the long run as we will no longer be in a time constraint to take this place over before we get the the well. The treasure that was loaded into the castle is enough to hurt this cult a lot."
Zarra will look to sorcerously inclined paladin, or perhaps divinely empowered sorcerer, and offer her answer, "I need to rest, prepare myself so as to not cone to farther harm and risk more serious injury." The drow did have some concern of how the giantess might react if she found out who she was, as she may have to take off some of her clothes which hide her appearance to patch herself up.
Out of Character: Technically… I rolled all my dice last time we rested though I very clearly didn't need to and I think at most I only use two of the dice. Yet perhaps I'll still be able to use some dice to heal Zarra up. Edited: Thomaslee on 2nd Dec, 2017 - 6:14pm
Lawrance concurs with the basic plan “We could set up an alarm or Hut and work that way. Learning these controls should be easy enough if they figured it out without our lovely Queens help. Did you want us to change course if we find the exact location of the Well?”.
Poljen says, "I fear it will take more than just one or two of us to slay those two giants. Even catching them unaware, my strongest of blows will not kill one right away. But we must slay them soon. So I am ready to try. My concern is changing course. If we alter direction quickly, rather than gently, then we might alert the vampire and dragon before we need to. I recommend trying to gradually slow our speed a bit, which gives us more time to clear things out. Even slowly turning can be noticed by the stars and sun. Hopefully that will not alert the enemy to our actions."
Out of Character: : If we take a Short Rest, I am rolling some Hit Dice here. If we do NOT rest, then I won't add the dice to my current HP. I am not advocating for or against a short rest. I will go when others say they are ready. I have 2 Rages left before Poljen will require a Long Rest, so for the moment I am good to go. And I still have a fair bit of HP, even without the Short Rest… If we take the Short Rest, I will use as many of the Hit Dice as it takes to get to full. I only needed one last time.
" There is another option. I can call upon Mask once more to heal the most grievously injured of you. It takes about ten minutes. That will leave me almost nothing left to heal with after that but I think it is smart to make sure that both groups are in good health before splitting. It will also keep the stealth team from delaying the attack for an hour. What does everyone think?" Edited: Kyrroeth on 2nd Dec, 2017 - 11:29pm