Poljen stands next to the maul, so that Lora can see the head is only marginally smaller than the tall barbarian and a handle several times that in length. "I appreciate your faith in me, Lora. But while I might be able to drag something like that around, wielding it in combat would be nearly impossible. Even for one of my pro-didge-us strength!"
Amabalis, the psuedodragon follows the stealthy group, at a respectable distance. Watching out for danger, keeping a low profile. Using passive perception, when not active.
Out of Character: Unless otherwise specified, the psuedodragon will act as Tazskans eyes and ears.
Zarra will rest, thankful for the healing yet quiet none the less. The drow kept considering the giantess with curiosity yet keeping back out of concern for being found out if she were to go in conversation with her. There was many questions she wanted to ask, perhaps as inquisitive as Poppo. Yet she had more restraint then the halfling, given in part how she didn't know the reaction which may be given.
Deciding to turn to Velon, the drow will ask him, "Do you honestly believe we can pull this off? We have been lucky so far, and I will follow where ever this may take us, though I worry we are too few in number." Zarra hoped not to give too much away with such considerations, as this was beyond any assignment she had taken previously. No challenge had been so great, though feeling that she has handled herself well so far. Edited: Thomaslee on 4th Dec, 2017 - 3:18am
Poljen holds up the Silence Necklace. "Stay right next to me. We will approach the closest giant right by its head. Stand on either side of me and we will strike together. Maybe with the necklace it will remain quiet a few moments longer so we only have to face one alone at the start." He shrugs. "It is the only idea I have. What about you two?"
I nod at this and pull on my black velvet mask." I feel the power of Mask here. We will be fine. That's as good an idea as I can think of Poljen. Hit hard and fast. As you said hopefully we can deal with one before the other wakes. We don't want to fight both at once. May Mask guide our strikes."
I stand ready on one side of Poljen with my short sword and shield readied. I feel a tingle again from the "Necklace" I'm wearing. Hopefully it will do something to aid us." Oh yeah Poljen. I have Rezmir's great sword on my back. If all hope is gone maybe take it and hope you master it. That sword reels of evil and power. Maybe we could turn it to good if we are desperate enough." I study him thoughtfully. Edited: Kyrroeth on 4th Dec, 2017 - 1:18pm
Cratol loos at the two of you. "The thrashing of one being killed will wake the other. If we cut the throats of both at the same time we stand more of a chance of killing both at the same time. If we are to do one at a time start with the male."
Poljen looks as if he is about argue, then says, "Have it your way, Cratol. You take the smaller of the two, however small that might be." He leads the way inside and looks over the sleeping giants. He moves over to the throat and head of the larger giant and readies the great axe. He waits to see that Cratol and Lora are ready, then mouths, "One… two… THREE!" and attacks with all his might.
Out of Character: : Raging, Reckless, and this round we should critical as long as we hit, I believe. Once they wake up that's not going to last of course. But after last fight, I worry my rolling will be terrible to compensate for that amazing run…