Poppo sighs a breath of relief, "Thank goodness they are okay. I hated disobeying Velon's orders but friends lives are more important. Let's never speak of our almost disobedience." He winks at Zarra as he says this and returns again to the control manual to see if he can actually pilot this thing.
Intent on his fallen companions for the moment, and seeing the newcomers are not hostile, Lawrance's keen eyes pick out the dangerous condition of Lora! "Quick, someone get her healing or something! She's the only one near death!" He rushes over to her, no spells or potions or any other kind of healing available and starts to search her form for any remaining healing potions to administer.
Out of Character: : You people are FAR too busy here this morning! Once the giant went down, I was going to roll with Observant feat and hope to change healing priority. Ah, well.
Lawrance and Velon hear someone they can't see shouting something about the enemies of the cult of dragonkind, then the sound of someone's footsteps running by.
Nikolaos' invisibility ends as he casts a healing spell, directing the first bit of radiant energy towards the woman on the ground.
Something odd however occurs, something seems to attack and disperse the healing energy before it can do much good. Lora's ragged breathing becomes much easier, but she does not revive as expected. His second target heals normally, and Cratol is revived, if not exactly feeling well.
Out of Character: Lora can't actually gain hitpoints for another couple of rounds, but the magic does stabilize her, she's safe. Poljen and Cratol both have 2 levels of exhaustion now, which means disadvantage on skills and their speed is halved. Lora will eventually be getting up with 1 level of exhaustion. Edited: daishain on 6th Dec, 2017 - 4:24pm
As Cratol comes to he will look at the person healing. Not knowing who they are he goes over to Lorairies. "SHe can not be healed because of that sword" he points out the sword. "It is a evil sword and its wounds causes no real healing until a good couple minutes have passed. We need to get back to the control room so we can rest now." Cratol will use his rope to tie the sword the his pack. He will do so without touching the sword if he can. Once that is done and his pack is on he will pick up Lorairies and carry her back to the control room.
Poljen sits up quickly, but the hallway begins to spin briefly. He waits a moment until it is tolerable, then gets to his feet. He sees the giantess dead, with the telltale mark of one of Velon's holy strikes in her chest. He nods in approval, then re-enters the room. He is relieved to see Cratol stirring, and hear that Lora is safe. He says to Velon, "We need to destroy that accursed blade. It made her cut herself, and we well know it interferes with healing. Such a foul thing should be destroyed. Maybe Silas can get rid of it." He spots the great axe and picks it up once more. He then turns to the newcomers.
"My thanks for your help. Especially for my fallen comrades. I am Poljen, son of Nels, Last of the Snow Leopards. I would have your names, please."
He then slowly climbs back onto the bed and stands over the giant. With a few heavy blows, he severs its head from its body, then rolls it off to the floor. "I will drag this to show our friend downstairs that they are dead. I think she will approve. Oh, and Velon, after that, I need to sleep. Deeply. Maybe even before food!"
Lawrance once again uses his innate energy ability to pull out the necrotic energy until she was able to be healed. "Now you can try it, if you have more healing. She's cleaned of the blockage." Helping as best as he can with the recovering party members, he says hi to the newcomers, introducing himself. "We are trying to prevent this cult from summoning the multi-headed dragon goddess to the Realms, so we've been cleaning out this castle as it is far too useful to them. You are most welcome and your arrival was timely!"
Zarra will nod in agreement to not talk abou their almost disobedience, though the drow will look to the giantess and ask, "You won't say anything, right?" Her tone was uncertain, still feeling embarrassed. She will also consider what they will all do pnce they were all back together.