Poljen calls out, "Not even if you promised to keep all of us! I wish to keep you from making a grave mistake. Keeping any of us would be the greatest difficulty you have ever faced, aside from facing us in battle right now! So come on, face your doom! I am Poljen, son of Nels! Last of the Snow Leopards! I will slay all of you this day!"
"Oh, this should prove amusing. Take them!"
These final words seem to reverberate down the hall as cultists start pouring out from around the corners.
Out of Character: Initiatives and initial combat actions please. You'll basically be seeing two mobs rushing from the sides. No sign of the vampire at first.
Poljen tries to summon the Battle Madness, but he is still too tired. So he begins to move forward, sword and shield at the ready, to once more kill members of this foul cult.
Out of Character: : Move forward to AF-11, and wait for them. Hopefully they need to dash. If it appears they will hold up and use ranged attacks (Bows or something), he will move in closer to attack this round. Two attacks on the closest cultist.
Lawrance peers momentarily through his unnaturally still hawk then his own eyes, trying to place any significant targets. He then picks up a far target, letting loose a fire bolt for a first strike.
Out of Character: : perception to identify leaders, fire Bolt normal cultist at far range. Once a good size group are within 100’ I’ll switch into to the lightning bolt.
Poppo unfurls the scroll so that it is ready to go and places it on the control panel next to him. He looks up to Esclarotta and says, "Don't worry your majesty. Your time as a power source is coming to an end. We will free to regardless of whether we have to leave in a hurry or not."
Out of Character:
At our busiest night of work so I can't post much. Ignazio will try to fire off a hypnotic pattern over 30 ft away from the party to the right or where he sees the most cultists. He will then blast until pattern wears off and he will twin haste our melee fighters. The dog will Target the vampire if she comes in site and he will try hold person on her.
Out of Character: : Croft, I was looking up the rules on Haste since you said you were going to use it on Poljen and either Cratol or Velon I assume. But your Hypnotic Pattern and Haste are Concentration spells. You can only have one going at a time. Even with a feat allowing more than one, I think haste can only be cast on one person…