Poljen nods. "I will go see about the gryphon I seek. I will meet you all for supper and drinking at the tavern mentioned." He begins lumbering up the stairs to the citadel. If he doesn't see anything obvious, he will not be shy about asking locals to direct him.
Nikolaos will do some shopping for armor and magical sundries. He will also check with the proprietor at the rite of inebriation to try and be the evenings performance.
Out of Character: using background feature attached to entertainer.
"First stop - somewhere to sell this old spell book!"
Lawrance looks for and finds a place that is willing to purchase one of the 'acquired' spell books, haggling happily with the vendor.
Afterwards, he heads to find a Dwarven craftsmith, able to commission a chest of considerable value, wanting to place a deposit on the work.
Specific Action: not sure what to roll for bargaining - Arcana (+7) for knowing the value? Perception (+4) against deception? Just rolling - add what is needed.
Edit: Insight is +1, so I rolled a 10. Edited: Gknightbc on 17th Jan, 2018 - 11:40pm
The group heads deeper into the mountain, and pass under yet another security measure, a massive stone suspended above the passage that can be dropped to seal it.
You soon find the grand stairway. Four large lifts are here, two on either side of the passage. They seem to be reserved mostly for cargo, but there are a few elderly individuals riding them. Most people use the wide curving stairs going up and down.
Beyond it is the upper market, a wide and brightly colored open space filled to the brim with vendors hawking all manner of goods. A large crystal embedded in the cieling acts like a false sun, radiating light to fill the space.
Nikolaos is told that the Rite of Inebriation is down below, in the city proper.
Those heading below find themselves in a convoluted warren of tunnels. The dwarves all seem to know where they're going, but exactly how they figure it out is a mystery at first glance. A young dwarven boy, on seeing you look around confused, comes running up with a grin, "Greetings visitors, Thumbolt rockseeker at your service. Three silver, and I'll get you wherever you want to go."
Poljen heads up, and finds himself stepping into a distinctly military area. At the top of the stairs, he's challenged as to his business here. Upon explaining that he's here to rent a gryphon, he's told to proceed down the hall and take the small staircase there all the way up, and that he'd know where to go after that.
The barbarian heads up yet again, and emerges at the top of the citadel. He can hear the screeching of gryphons from a stable nearby, and can see one of them being inspected for any physical problems by a half elf who seems to be in charge here.
Out of Character: Insight rolls for people heading into the upper market.
Lia looks around curiously as her and Mari walk upstairs. Mari has an unmistakable uneasy look on her face. Lia asks, "Mari, are you okay. You have been acting strangely." Her companion shrugs." I just feel uneasy. Something is off." Lia studies her with concern "Mari, just know that you can tell me anything. We are in this together." Mari starts to speak but stops herself.
Lia had let the others go on ahead to question Mari. They walked upstairs to the market. Lia commented, "Maybe we can find you something here. Something to help you do your job better." The two women take in their surroundings with caution to make sure there is nothing to be alarmed about. They will shop for something for Mari. Lia casts guidance to help her study the place. Edited: Kyrroeth on 18th Jan, 2018 - 12:07am
Tazskan, will join Velon, Lawrence and Nicolaos in the marketplace. He is also looking for mithral plate, enchanting a great sword, or purchasing one
(+1 two handed), whichevers applicable. A Bahamut trinket(To use as Paladin pact symbol).
Like, Velon will secure his gear, also keeping lookout for pickpockets.
Out of Character: Not, exactly sure what rolls to include here. But have included persuation also.