"Oh dear," Perry says, "Is this part of the hazing process? Does everyone go through this?"
Perry suddenly gets a bit excited at the thought, "I'm trying out for the Silver Blaze! Oh yes, let's play! Where shall we do it?!"
Responding to Lia, "Um, I think I can be counted on," he places his left hand on his chin in a deep thinking pose, "Hmm, I think handled myself well enough in the dangers of the Feywild, though I'm sure you all have faced worse." Edited: seath on 31st Jan, 2018 - 2:22am
Velon is confused regarding Lawrance's question. Surely he doesn't mean talk of Mari and the Zhentarim in front of this stranger…
Velon gains a mischievous grin at Poljen's question, however, looking more than a little amused. "Oh I don't know that facing more than one of us is very fair. We're not too shabby in a fight! I'd be impressed with anyone that could last ten seconds against you, without just running away at least, Poljen son of Nels. A solid minute or more against any of the rest of us would be impressive as well. What do you think of this, stranger? Are you up for a challenge to prove yourself? Care to face Poljen, myself, both or perhaps another? Anyone else care to throw their hat into the mix?" He pauses for a second. "Wait, will flying be involved, Perry, is it? That may not be very fair. I'm just a shy fellow they call Velon, by the way. Most interesting to meet you in this… unexpected… fashion!"
"Oh, and no, we're not usually vetting people through trial by combat, although Lawrance, Nikolaos and Tazskan did meet us right in the thick of things! Come to think of it, so did most of us. Anyway, you'd be the first. It sounds like good sport to me! Perhaps it will become a new tradition!
Careful friend, you may end up right in the middle of those poems of yours, or someone else's, if you join up with us!"
"Oh no, I won't fly if you don't want me to. To be honest, I don't like that it messes up my hair. I'll fight both of you if you want, but I would request that we do it somewhere outside and preferably start a fair distance apart. Also, I'm currently unarmed so I'd like to equip my armor and weapons if possible. Please come at me with all your might! I will do my best to prove that I'm ready," Perry says with a face of determination.
"HA! Oh this is going to be fun! Does anyone else want to be involved? We wouldn't want to deny anyone some combat practice! Should we go duel out near the castle, away from watchful eyes?"
"Lawrance, can you protect us from grievous harm with your wards? Lia, Nikolaos, willing to heal if anything goes wrong, if you don't choose to participate, that is?"
Out of Character: Don't actually expect Lawrance to use Arcane Ward during the fight in a mechanical sense, but RP/flavor wise he may be able to contribute to how this isn't potentially deadly for someone, perhaps absorbing any crits that would take people way past zero, etc. Obviously we'll be doing the ol' 'non-lethal damage' punch pulling, but that doesn't mean the fireball to the face for the first 30 damage doesn't hurt a lot!
Daishain, ok with a little PVP if all players are willing and promise not to take anything personally out of character?
A little surprised by the easy acceptance of this new member, and the subsequent testing, Lawrance mulls different ways to baffle a Zone spell. "While I'm interested in learning more about your species and such, they are right. We have a great number of 'issues' that need taking care of, ahead of us. Everyone needs to be able and perhaps more than able with what's ahead."
Addressing Velon, he says "Give me a few minutes to set up, and I'm sure I can provide a suitable arena for them to bleed in. Not that I think such a… physical… testing is a reasonable way to determine worthiness, mind you!"
As an aside to Velon, he'll whisper "You need to bring OUR Bard up to speed on things, soon. He's a bit concerned about our reactions." Edited: Gknightbc on 31st Jan, 2018 - 3:23am
LIa rolls her eyes at the talk of combat." Being good in combat is only one aspect of usefulness. Some people are more help out of combat than in it. Standing up to Poljen and Velon in combat is criteria for joining? How many of the rest of us could do that? I certainly couldn't. Are we recruiting warriors or party members? I will lend my healing to make sure that no one dies. However, I want to state that I think this is a bad idea. Men!" She shakes her head. Edited: Kyrroeth on 31st Jan, 2018 - 4:37am
Perry hangs his head in shame, "I'm terribly sorry, lady Lia. I just want to be a part of this group more than anything else in the world. If engaging in a duel to prove myself against the two most powerful members of the group is what I must do, then I will gladly accept! I realize the position of bard is already filled, but I'm not quite the same kind of bard as Nikolaos. Like you lady Lia, my skills are actually more suited to support a group and deceive enemies rather than fight with brute force. Although, I do still have a few tricks up my sleeve regarding that. Nevertheless, I'm still willing to answer any more questions if you would like or join you on a trial quest to prove my worth."
"Oh also I'm a bard that has these!" Perry happily flaps his wings a couple of times for comedic effect. "Oooh, maybe we could have a dance competition?!?"
"Doesn't the Blaze, have an oath, or pact that its follower's have to keep,"? Taszkan says looking intently at the other's especially Velon.
"Back in Tymanther, a Dragonborn would often show his courage and allegiance, through combat in the arena," Tazskan speaks, loudly so all can hear.
"Even, then combatants were forbidden to use any magic to aid them," He adds, looking around the room.
"However, in this case I don't think it wise to conduct such activities in this fine establishment. I'm sure there are more appropriate place's to prove, ones allegiance, through physical combat," He adds, showing a little disgust, at the suggestion.
"Trust is earned, not given, I understand, but I say the Tiefling deserves a chance to prove his allegiance, to the blaze and us," Tazskan adds.
"Tell me Velon, of Rodaan, as I would like to know if there be any pact or oath, that one is required to follow or adhere to,"? Tazskan addresses Velon, politely. Edited: anronrosby on 31st Jan, 2018 - 7:42am