As Lawrance begins his first ritual, others poke around the western door. It appears free of traps. There is a lock, but it is undone easily enough via a latch on this side. Upon opening it, you find a large staircase behind going up, and a small but passable pile of rocks at its base.
Unfortunately, a section of the passage appears to have collapsed, burying the top portion of the stairs in rubble.
Lawrance is nearly blinded when his spell completes. The pool is shining so brightly to his arcane sensitive eyes that is is difficult to properly perceive. It is definitely divination magic, stronger than anything he's seen before. But there's also signs of some unsteadiness in the flows of power, it looks like this artifact may not be entirely stable.
It is difficult to detect anything else in the room, but Lawrance is eventually able to determine with some confidence that the group did not miss anything of a magical nature.
The Identify spell has trouble with the pool, but it appears that activation is a fairly simple affair. The spherical key placed in the depression, and whoever stands at the plinth asks a question about anything that has occurred, is, or might yet occur on this plane. From the looks of it, it will work better with a circle of people, all visualizing that which is sought.
It appears that all involved will be drained of energy in some fashion, though the nature and severity of the same is unclear.
The rod proves simpler. It allows a caster to produce spells without consuming spell slots, at a price. The caster must grip the rod so its spike pierces their hand, and blood is drained to power the spell.
The robe allows the wearer to see in all directions
Nothing happens when Perry pours in his waterskin. It is barely enough to form a thin film over the bottom.
Out of Character: Bloodlet Rod, requires attunement. 1d4 HP loss and 1 maximum HP loss per level of the first spell cast without a slot per day. The second takes 2d4 and 2 per level, the third 3d4 and 3 per level, etc.
“Guys, I think we need more water to make this stupid thing work,” Perry yells towards the others. “Hey Lawrance, what’s this thing supposed to do anyway? Is it supposed to light up or something? I bet it doesn’t even show animals…, ” Perry rambles on, possibly distracting Lawrance a bit. He is disappointed that his science experiment had no effect.
Perry then walks over to Lawrance and Poppo who still seem to be identifying various magic items and lets out an overly-exaggerated, bored sigh. Shortly after, he moves over to the eastern door and attempts to open it to see what’s inside. “Let’s take a peek in here and see what we can find.”. Edited: seath on 20th Feb, 2018 - 11:51pm
Tazskan, having seeing Lawrence almost blinded by the process of discovering the secrets of the magical sphere, and magic rod. He takes him aside for somewhere to sit.
"The six healing potions, and mace, could come in handy for the group. I wonder if Zarra can wield the heavy crossbow? The rod bears a heavy price, though," Tazskan speaking quietly.
"Well, that just leaves us the door to the east, and that damp hole in the library," Tazskan say's.
"I don't suppose there is a safe way, we can block that round hole in the library. Just encase we receive a nasty surprise from these snake-like creatures,"? He adds, looking at Lawrence and Poppo.
Zarra will prepare herself for the locks and any traps, with the help of Mari, as they got to the pool and figure things out. She will consider the situation and in question where the dwarf was, saying, "Perhaps he is nearby, may be to see if we can figure things out ourselvess, or we managed to get here before him. For now what we can do is just prepare for him to make an appearance as we figure this out."
Involving the heavy crossbow, the drow will consider it before offering, "I may need to practice with it for a bit, but I could perhaps put it to use." Zarra with keep her eyes watching.
Perry cracks open the eastern door a little. The moment he does, a voice booms out, "You are in the presence of Diderius the Great! I know why you have come!"
Only slightly less loud, the voice continues saying, "Why have they come? Oh yes, the horn, the horn blows, it calls doom from the sky. The hoorrnn!"
If Poppo can get through the ritual undisturbed by the sudden shouting, he determines that the mace is a simple efficacy enchantment, and the heavy crossbow is ensorcelled to seek out the heart of a target.
Out of Character: +1 mace, Heartseeker heavy crossbow (Crits on a 19 or 20). Edited: daishain on 21st Feb, 2018 - 5:48am
Perry flinches a bit, scrunching his shoulders, as the loud voice booms in his face and blows his hair back. He comically turns his head very, very slowly towards the rest of the party and, with a sheepish grin, says, “Oops.”
“I think I maybe found the owner of this place,” Perry says as he lets out a weak, trailing laugh.
After a brief moment to gather himself and dust himself off, Perry continues, “Well, at this point it would just be rude not to introduce ourselves properly!” Perry exclaims confidently. “Perhaps he knows where our dwarf friend went?"
Finally, Perry whispers, "We probably shouldn’t bring up that other matter for now.”. Edited: seath on 21st Feb, 2018 - 6:48am
Tazskan, comes back into the pool room, sees Perry with a sheepish grin.
Exclaiming that he has found the owner of this place.
"Perry, what's all the fuss about, what owner are you referring to,who's the owner,"? He asks. Edited: anronrosby on 21st Feb, 2018 - 12:20pm