Perry sees Poljen staring him down angrily with the bag and panics a bit before gathering himself, "Ah of course, where are my manners? Here are your rubies back. One… and two… "
Perry will take the bag and slowly pull out the rubies one by one, setting them gingerly on the ground. "There we are, sorry about that," Perry apologizes.
The naga's eyes glow a bit as the rubies lift into the air, floating towards her.
"You will be leaving the old seer alone. His pool is tied to what is left of his life force. As to the devils, they are a nuisance, but a manageable one. You will need to offer something else if you cannot pay what I require. Yourself and the dragonborn perhaps, such blood can be quite potent."
Out of Character: The robe with the all around vision would be uncommon, the rod of blood Rare, So that'd be 3,000 gp, still a ways to go.
P.S. Bit of an announcement in my own intro. Edited: daishain on 7th Mar, 2018 - 11:10pm
Nikolaos following Perry's lead kneels before the great Naga and addresses the court." While you're generous offer to take these two in payment is tempting, their blood is serving well where it currently is."
"I do not see merchants here to exchange the treasure you seek, and the blood would fuel certain magics I'm certain. The two things you have asked for are a means to an end."
" You are wise to have noted we are of a capable sort. And as such we have access to more than blood and treasure. Perhaps we can help you in a more direct fashion. Such ventures have been proven to be lucrative to us in the past and may be mutually beneficial. "
"You, won't be taking any blood voluntarily from either myself or the Teifling,we are not part of the negotiation period," Tazskan answers indignantly.
"Perhaps, something else of value another gen,"? He adds.
Out of Character: Tazskan, although not mentioning directly, about the diamond. Try's to persuade the creature to change the topic.
The Naga hisses in apparent amusement, "You speak of trade? That is not its purpose."
"Not many think to offer services instead of tribute. Would you act to destroy the power of a rival of mine? I would, of course, require you to leave something or someone as assurance that you will complete your task once out of here." The naga carefully studies everyone in the party, apparently trying to assess who or what the group would never abandon.
Out of Character: Anron, what diamond? Kingowlbear, where is advantage coming from? Edited: daishain on 8th Mar, 2018 - 3:34am
Velon watches Perry, Poljen and the rest and decides to chip in on the items required to meet the demands of the naga. He removes his necklace and tosses it to Poljen. "Here, this will be a start towards matching the dwarf's price." He looks Poljen in the eye for half a second longer than would be natural here. He folds his arms and gazes at them and the Highest, hiding his hands in the process.
The paladin begins using his Message spell to try to get the group on the same page, addressing them individually in the following order.
Perry - "Keep him talking."
Poljen - "Ever wrestle a part-snake, part god?"
Out of Character: Had more I wanted to post with regard to fight strategy, but realized I don't know where Varram is along with our own positioning and thus can't plan where Poppo and I could coordinate fireballs, etc. Velon isn't liking any of these deals so far, whether it be agreeing not to use the pool or kill Diderius, or leaving a man behind.
Poljen simply shrugs at the sound of Velon's voice in his head. He does say, "I have plenty of gold, if that's the way we want to go. I can chip in a few thousand… "His hands do not move to his pouch, instead remaining within easy reach of his weapons.
Out of Character: : Poljen does have a total of 3800 gold to blow on this… but oh boy will he expect to get paid back in some way, shape or form!