Lia laughs at Perry." You will see in just a moment." She walks up to the well room and finds something to stand on up above the floor. The cleric holds her symbol aloft and calls upon Sune to aid them. Soon water begins rising up out of the well. She will keep calling the water higher until it is high enough to drain into the pipe. Lia will concentrate to keep it going until someone tells her to stop.
Out of Character: : She casts control water and uses the flood option. Edited: Kyrroeth on 29th Mar, 2018 - 9:14pm
Poljen and Mari poke into the room south of where the devils wait for Perry to finish his task. It appears to have been some manner of audience chamber, thoroughly ruined now.
Multiple dead cultists lie strewn about, mostly dead from crush injuries. The culprit at first appears to be the unmoving form of a large musclebound man still grasping a large stone chair in his hands. A closer look shows that the multiple holes in the "Man" sport no blood, and reveal metal rather than flesh. Whatever this thing was, it only looked human.
Lia passes through the dining room shortly after the other two, heading west rather than south. Clambering up the secret passage found earlier, and then north, she eventually arrives back at the well room. Inducing the water to move to her whim, she watches it disappear down the sluice.
Below, the basin begins to fill with incredibly clear and fresh looking water. Lia is just beginning to wonder when enough is enough when the sluice snaps shut, preventing any more water passing through.
After waiting for the basin to fill completely, Lawrance once again gathers every one around and drops the key back into place, reminding people to focus on the mask. Waiting for the results, he watches carefully for the images to form.
Light again coalesces at the bottom of the pool as people focus on the image of a white dragon mask.
The surface of the water goes completely still as images begin to form. Hundreds of them, hundreds of masks. One being worn at some manner of ball, another gathering dust in a curio shop, a dozen of them stuffed with sawdust in a crate, one that appears to have been made from the actual skin of a dragon being worn by a frost giant, the images keep gathering and briefly displaying in the center for you to view before shrinking off to the side, gathering like little bubbles.
Lawrance finds that if he focuses on one of the smaller bubbles, it shifts back to the middle and grows again.
The device seems… expectant somehow, as if it is waiting for more details. At the same time, those involved in using this thing can feel magical energy being drained from them, slowly.
Poljen and Mari poke around. The golem remains still, as far as they can tell, it is completely inert. The room contains little of interest however, just some mundane gear left on the bodies. It looks like everything else has been stripped. Edited: daishain on 30th Mar, 2018 - 2:33pm
Nikolaos tries to concentrate on the mask but his hand finds its way to the monogrammed handkerchief of his father. Shaking his head he redoubles his efforts to think of the mask that he has seen only in the appropriate color.
Out of Character: don't think about a pink elephant.
Perry will continue focusing on a white dragon mask, but he pulls out the Holy Symbol of Tiamat that he pocketed earlier from the dead cultist and focuses on it as well. He begins thinking about a white dragon mask related to Tiamat, hoping that it helps narrow the images down.
Velon pictures a white mask as similar to the black mask as he can, Varram holding the mask, what he imagines 'the well' to look like, and what he pictures the five headed Tiamat to look like. He imagines being able to read Varram's mind and thus what the mask would look like through his eyes and the power it might hold. He tries to tell the pool to show us what Varram's mind is so focused on.