The mage slowly states, "The king's son? He's dead, and there are no others by that name I am aware of."
Poljen manages to find a trail heading to and from the village, both to the southwest. The dragon left behind surprisingly little in the way of tracks given its bulk, but some faint traces remain. Trammet follows the twin trails to a small clearing. Claw marks appear to indicate that the dragon landed and took flight from here.
Trammet also notes the presence of a small patrol of elves investigating the same area. Their gear appears to be of extremely fine make, and bears the symbol of King Melendrach.
Penelope ruffles her non-existent goatee, "Hmm, oh dear. The King's son who everyone assumes is dead… "
Penelope ponders this for a moment, looking a bit perturbed by this revelation, "Is the King around to talk to by chance? We should probably talk to him if our intel is correct."
Poljen reports to the others. "Trammet and I see where the dragon appears to have landed and flown from, off to the southwest. But I also see some elves there, bearing very fine equipment. And they wear the symbol of that elf king… Melendrach, is it?"
"I am sorry Lia. It is an impossible situation. If there are any you see fit to bring back, perhaps after speaking to any wise members of the village remaining, you should do as you think is best. Perhaps they have a healer, spiritual leader, or village elder that will be needed for them to carry on. I will have words with any in our party that have a problem with your choice."
From afar, Velon sees Poljen stand after his ritual of sorts with Trammet. He says softly to Lia from a few feet away "They have something." "Take a moment longer if you need." He gets up and goes over to see what Poljen and the others have learned.
After a recap, Velon asks "Did their mage tell us of the tactics of this elven dragon rider?" "Perhaps they will have a hint as to how we might defeat the one who has come from their own ranks."
Velon looks to Poljen with a nod of respect. "Well done. Shall we go and speak to them where the dragon landed?"
As Morgaine walks into the town and see the bodies lined up along the way, she feels such sadness that bring tears to her eyes and they fall down her checks.
She sees Lia go off by herself and Morgaine does so herself to say a prayer to the falling and get herself back together. 'How can I be a good fighter and guard if I am soft like this?' she thinks to herself. After at bit longer; she gets herself back together. Taking a deep breathe,and letting it out slowly; she makes the decision she wants whoever has done this horrible thing to pay and pay dearly.
The mage says, "The king's home is found just north of the grandfather tree. You can seek an audience with him there."
The group heads south, towards where the dragon tracks led. Upon spotting you, the elven patrol forms up, hands on weapons and ready for trouble.
She shakes her head." Thank you Velon. You are so understanding and supportive. Some things just make me wonder.."
As they see the patrol up ahead she says, "Be very careful now. Hands away from weapons. ". She walks out ahead of the group with her cloak hood off of her head. She speaks to them in her native tongue." Hail, brave warriors. I am Lia Galanodal of Selvahill. I am a cleric of Sune. These are my companions. We saw what this evil creature did to the nearby village. My companions have some experience dealing with drakes. We are here to help destroy it and make the High Forest safe again for our people. Any idea where this creature makes it's lair? "She stands in a way to make her gown fit just a little tighter. Lia murmurs a prayer to Sune to aid her. Edited: Kyrroeth on 27th May, 2018 - 12:15am