Absorbing the kinetic energy of the golems attack on Morgaine with his Arcane Ward, Lawrance recharges it from the captured energies of the Princes spell. Grinning as his own Wall is negated, he then casts his new spell- Steel Wind Strike and targets the enemy forces. His dagger in hand, he teleports from foe to foe, a flash a magic flaring against each of them with a blast! Finishing his rapid teleports, he ends up next to the target nearest the entrance, ready to retreat.
Specific Action: steel wind strike against the Prince, the dragon, the Golem a troll and any possible other, landing near the group probably next to the Golem. 5 targets. 6d10 force damage to each. I should get advantage on two targetable At least. If I need More rolls let me know. Ward net down to 11. Edited: Gknightbc on 23rd Jun, 2018 - 9:56pm
Velon is impressed with the spells his companions have used, from Lia blocking a breath to Lawrance seemingly stifling Neronvain's magic. He uses the mental link to send urgent messages to the group to coordinate their efforts. "Mari, GO! Keep it up, Lia! We drop Neronvain, then we ALL flee! We'll kill them at the other end of the tunnel!" He thinks of Poljen and wonders if he'll even listen, but hopes dropping his intended target first will be a good compromise. Having their caster eliminated doesn't sound too bad anyhow.
The paladin charges at Neronvain, using his shield to deflect attacks from all other foes on the way, noticing that at least one troll looks confused in some way. He joins Poljen in flanking the Prince hopefully taking the caster out as fast as they can. He uses a booming blade attack on the Prince, another of the same attack enhanced by his sorcery, and follows those up with a quick but powerful swing of his hammer. If he seems a particularly good opening, he will call upon extra aid from Bahamut to smite his foe down with the fury of the dragon god.
Velon swiftly returns to just next to the passageway entrance with his hasted movement, urging all of the others to get through before him so he can take up the rear. He knows if he is snatched up by this dragon in tiger form, or any of the other large creatures, he can follow Zarra's lead and teleport away.
Out of Character:
*Will use SHIELD any time this turn*
60ft of movement to get to the Prince and back again so nothing is between Velon and the retreat
Action: Booming blade
Bonus Action: quickened Booming blade
Hasted Action: melee strike
*Will drop a level 4 Smite on any [Critical Hit]* (Will just roll that separately if it happens). Edited: Cinder on 23rd Jun, 2018 - 4:01pm
Tazskan, starts to evoke with his hands, a fireball and hurtles it at the dire tiger.
Specific Action: The fireball, is cast as a level 4 level, dealing an extra 1D6 damage. In a 20 foot radius, encircling the dire tiger. Target (Dire tiger takes half damage on a Dexterity save, or use one of its legendary saves).
He uses expeditious retreat, allowing him to dash as a bonus action, to navigate back up the narrow passageway, up to 60 feet. Then wait.
Mari gets the message and races after Perry with the mask. She feels faster than normal after hearing Perry sing. Hating to leave her friends behind, she knows getting the mask out safely is of utmost importance.
Lia smiles grimly as the gas was blocked by the barrier." This was well worth the gold." She watches carefully to see what the dragon will do next.
Specific Action: Mari will use her reaction to Sprint per mantle of inspiration. In addition she will use her action and cunning action to dash after Perry.
Lia will ready an action for the cube. She will change the cube effect to let nothing pass through the barrier if the dragon charges them.
Out of Character: : Thanks Seath for the nice boost. Edited: Kyrroeth on 23rd Jun, 2018 - 6:54pm
Following Velons instructions, Lawrance takes advantage of Perrys confusion spell to move back into the tunnel,his own magic shielding him from attacks as he passes the foes.
Specific Action: move 30 up the tunnel. Ward to block damage if any. Edited: Gknightbc on 23rd Jun, 2018 - 8:55pm
'So we are all going to flee, onve all together, is everyone okay with this,' Zarra will confirm mentally, readying her bow in preparation to assist her companions and help allow Mari to keep hold of the mask more safely as they make their escape. Yet, as they retreat, the drow will work to getting a little revenge on the dragoness. Edited: Thomaslee on 24th Jun, 2018 - 4:09pm
Perry and Mari retreat up the tunnel as Zarra fires at the dragon. Lawrance lets his spell propel him into a blur as he pops from enemy to enemy, striking hard, before reappearing near the exit and following the others up.
Velon strikes at the prince, magic empowering his strokes. The prince counters with a familiar spell, blocking the strikes with a shield of force. As Poljen charges up, the elf barely counters his first strike with the same shield, but the second slips by and bites deep. The prince curses, staggering, and disappears. Both of the remaining trolls move in to strike the warriors, Velon is spared harm thanks his own shield spell, but Poljen takes a nasty cut, mitigated by Lawrance's ward.
Tazskan launches a fireball, enveloping a large area in flame. When the fire dies down, a second troll is down for good, and the dire tiger is gone. In the latter's place is a rapidly growing dragon. Spikes line her back with webbing in between, forming a cruel mane that rattles ominously as she shakes her head. The dragon moves forward, aiming to pass through the barrier and swipe at those trying to escape. But once again Lia has anticipated this, and uses the cube to block her. Frustrated, the dragon swings her head towards the cleric, and begins to croon, a soft wordless melody. Lia finds that she can't look anywhere else, like the dragon is the only thing in the world that matters. Softly, the dragon asks, "Let me take care of the cube, it will be in good hands."
Out of Character: After Lawrance's ward prevents 11 damage, Poljen takes 16 slashing, further reduced by his DR. Lia has been charmed by the dragon. Regardless, she won't be able to bring herself to harm her next turn. I'll give her a DC 18 Wisdom save to recognize the problem with this request that would otherwise seem quite reasonable in her enamored state. Edited: daishain on 25th Jun, 2018 - 1:47am