Lia tries to keep her face smooth after hearing this. She responds to Velon via sending." Yes, I was hoping to ease into this. Not call his son a traitor to his own people with no evidence on hand." Edited: Kyrroeth on 16th Aug, 2018 - 3:58pm
When it is mentioned that the story involves something of a rather sensitive nature, the King holds up a hand and dismisses the two servants in the courtyard. The harp falls silent, and birds peck at the last scattering of seed sown for their benefit.
Penelope's words seem to wear at the man before you, grinding him down. The guards here are disciplined enough to show little emotion, but dismay and anger are apparent.
There is a long silence after the bard finishes speaking, and then the King speaks, "You bring harsh and unwelcome news, as well as glad tidings."
"I suspected some of this, that my boy had returned to wreak the vengeance he once promised. I had hoped that he could be found, reasoned with, turned away from this path. But I know that to be a father's foolish hopes."
A single tear runs down his cheek as he straightens and looks at you all, "I cannot demand your silence, but I ask you now to keep the details of this incident close to your hearts, at least for a time. For the good of all."
"Let me explain, Prince Neronvain is beloved by my people. There was a time when he was known as a generous and kind man. I had once thought that he would make an excellent successor. My subjects would not believe that he turned on me, or on them, not without some other influence. Unfortunately, I know all too well who they would blame. The cult is primarily composed of and run by humans, and this would be held up by all too many of my people as an example of how that race corrupts whatever they touch."
"Many of my people have been urging me to lead an exodus, retreat to Evermeet, and ride out the coming storm there, abandoning the humans to whatever fate they wreak on themselves. Their voices will only grow louder if this becomes known."
Out of Character: At least the vast majority of the group would know of Evermeet as an Island nation to the west, one of the last bastions of high elven culture. The more learned among them would know it to be protected by exceptionally powerful magic, some of it put in place by the elven deity Correlon himself. Edited: daishain on 16th Aug, 2018 - 8:40pm
"Your Highness, your people are not entirely wrong, humanity can be quite awful. But look here," Penelope points to Velon, Poljen, and Mari. "These humans are working tirelessly and putting their lives on the line every single day to save us all from this great looming evil. They are working hard for a future for humans, elves, and everyone else. I hope that your people will come to understand that there is still good to be found in humanity. Still, I do understand the difficult position you are in, especially regarding public perception."
Then, Penelope turns to Velon and says, "Velon, why don't we agree to keep quiet on this issue for now to make the King's life easier? What do you say?"
She turns back to the King, "Your Highness, if it keeps the elves from retreating to distant lands, then it's worth keeping this secret for you. But, if I may be so bold as to make a request in return, will you aid us when the time comes against the forces of the Cult of the Dragon? I do not know how your son was corrupted, but if we don't stop them, then just imagine what an army of such corruption could bring upon this world. Please, don't allow this to happen anymore. We can only win against this evil if we all come together."
Finally, Penelope turns to the group, "Right everyone? Please, let the King hear your words."
Out of Character: I've never needed a good roll more.
Velon nods in agreement with both the King and Perry. "Your Highness, you speak wisely of both the concerns of your people and your own instinct to remain here. It gives me great hope that we can both serve you in this, as you've asked, and perhaps call you an ally in the fight to come, if you will allow it?"
Velon then takes on a slightly more somber tone. "I, for one, am sorry to have to bring you this terrible news today. What would you like us to do with your son? With regard to the silence requested, what of those of your people that were there and saw our battle with the Prince and the dragon?"
Lastly, when appropriate, Velon follows Penelope's lead, turning to face Taz, Poljen, and the rest. "Yes, do any have words on these matters or any other for the King?" He turns back to the King at this. "Your Highness, these brave warriors are all heroes of the realm and will continue to fight. If you are willing to give us a few more moments of your time, I am quite sure they deserve it."
"Your highness, if I may speak briefly," Tazskan speaks with a polite bow.
"Being a dragonborn, I can understand the distrust of humans," he says.
"I left my homeland, some time ago, but have now come to realise, there is a need far greater than myself," he adds.
"Its only if we ally together, against Tiamat, and her evil scurge, that we can succeed," he adds.
"Ultimately, the fate of Faerun is at stake," he finnishes, quietly bows, and stands back once more.
Poljen has been listening impassively during the recitation of the tale, then the discussion. He finally says, "I will tell none of the dragon's ally. She had enough other allies that the tale is nearly unbelievable as it is. And I add my voice to the request you be willing to aid us when we are ready for our final battle with the Cult. Hopefully you will not be our only allies. I still hope the cloud giants will stand with us. They are still considering it, I believe."