"No matter how well organized they are, there's always bound to be a few people slacking off from time to time. Trust me, I'm one of those people. Or perhaps they step away from the main patrol to go relieve themselves in private. No one escapes the call of nature," Perry says to Mari. "Let's see if we can find such a break in the ranks, then we'll go after them. I'll do the talking if there are multiple, which should give you the opening to pounce one while I take care of the other."
Specific Action: Invisibility on Mari
Out of Character: Basically we are just monitoring for a lone straggler or two. In any large group of people, there's always a few derelicts or ne'er-do-wells who break the rules. Maybe some dude wants privacy while he uh goes to pee or whatever. Edited: seath on 6th Sep, 2018 - 1:42pm
Morgaine will go down on the platform with the others as well. She will give Poljen a slight wink as they get ready to go the aid of the scouts, if needed.
The patrols sent out are rather consistent. Eight men, half on horseback. They tend to be at least fairly alert and disciplined.
It takes a while of waiting before an opportunity comes up. A patrol runs through with a straggler. A young man lags well behind the others, apparently bored beyond belief. He has a long stick in his hand which he is using to whack the heads off of tall grass stalks. He certainly isn't paying attention, and his companions only occasionally look back to be sure he's still following.
Lia drops down on the platform with the others." This plan worries me. So many things can go wrong." She shrugs and shakes her hair out. Her oathbow is slung on her back. She has her cube of force at the ready in her pouch.
Mari walks along enjoying her invisible status. Seeing the lone scout she calls quietly to Perry." Here is the one we have been waiting for Perry. Do your turtie thing. I'll watch your back." She draws out both shortswords and scans their surroundings constantly.
Perry takes a brief moment studying this lone straggler's appearance then goes to action. He quickly gets within range and casts his spell on him.
Specific Action: Polymorph: Turtle on straggler, DC 18 Wisdom. If successful, change disguise to look like the straggler with the stick.
"I have faith that Perry, and Mari can pull this off but its a waiting game now," Taskan says quietly to Lia.
"Let us hope that Sune has heard your prayers, for all our sakes," He adds, almost a whisper.
"But if the sending stones, indicate that our scouts are in danger, then I guess its payback time," He whispers with a wicked smile.